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Current Stream art is Alex and Liz!! Here is the progress so far!

Next 2 are new OC's of mt Growing Struggles Series. Kalli (Blonde one) and Monika (Darkish Pink haired one). 

Last is one I had been working on for twitch streams... Aria and Nina! I plan on making a follow up for this one!

As far as my growing struggle series are if anyone is not sure. They are quick one off pics of already existing comic characters in alternate scenarios or new girls who will appear at random in their own mini comics or one offs.

Currently the Growing Struggles cast is my cat girls Aria and Nina. My Elf girls Struddle and Creampuff... I plan to do another elf series soon!! And now Kalli and Monika.




I’ve never really fantasized about being trapped under a belly? Until now: holy moly that’s class🥂


Alex showing once again why she owns the best girl spot 😤


It's kind interesting seeing Alex in a dominant role


It could just be me but Alex's belly looks smaller than it did on page 8. On page 8 it felt like a mountain but here it just looks like a part of a bigger thing (She's still perfect ofc)


She was very very stuffed in page 8, which is why her belly was so much bigger at the end of the scene then at the start. Although this isn't canon to the story at all, as it's part of Growing Struggles which takes place at either different points not shown in the comic, or could be and alt scenario.


I love it when artist can explain differences like that instead of it being accidents. Anyway it's Alex so anything is good when she's involved