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Hey everyone, Today I launch my new discord server. This server will be a place where my art will be archived from now on in easier to an easier to access format!

Some of it is still a work in progress, and many new things will be added as we grow but I hope this will lead to a better community and some more discussions about the future of my comics, or the fates of my characters!

If talking about huge girls doing cute things sounds good to you I hope you will join. I am sending this to you first before I go public with it.


Make sure to have your discord and Patreon linked to get into the Patreon exclusive area's 




I just joined. Master do as you wish with me.


I must say, the discord is especially well made


It’s not allowing me to accept the rules is there anything I can do?


Same here I go to accept says I can’t then kicks me from server it’s no longer in my list


Tbh might not link discord gave me issues in past and this is making me feel uneasy sorry


Will content you no longer produce be there as well? Or will those remain in the file form as they are now