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Dark ninja

The blonde newbie sounds a lot like a certain blue haired blob way back

Jacob Harding

Temporary, huh Liz? 🤨 *press X to doubt*


Looks like someone flew too close to the sun and is going to get fat


I love how Liz completely flipped the situation around on her

Brandon Hatch

Elizabeth aka Liz is going to end up like early era Mana: in denial of her ample physique, or its permanence, until she's 500 pounds away from any measure of redemption. Watching this dominatrix fall from grace, and become smothered under her own plush petard, will be absolute bliss!


Oh sweet liz you may have pulled a 180 on your somewhat feeder but believe me that temporary is not gonna last cause another 180 is gonna hit you like a gallon weight gain shakes 😈


Each page of this just gets better and better


Liz’s denial is super hot. She’s gunna keep telling herself that until it becomes way too hard to claim it’s just a temporary thing


What if she turns into a bigger fat slob than the other two? Turning into such a greedy pig that she’s eating twice as much as them? Liz could punish and humiliate her by making her eat her food from a trough like the greedy pig she is


Liz has to keep her feeder hand strong.


I kinda hope Christina turns the tables. If they both gain mass weight cool, but idk how I’d feel if Liz completely has the upper hand


I definitely feel like it's going for a mutually assured destruction kinda thing. Like, they're both going to be so preoccupied with making each other fat that they neglect to stop themselves from getting fat.


The belly to belly panel is glorious 😍. Can't wait to see the aftermath