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Hello everyone!

A HUGE (Like as big as some of my girls) Change is coming to the way polls work! Skip to the last paragraph if you just want that!

A new month brings all sorts of gluttonous girls forward!

I hope your all enjoying Never Enough Bites! Although similar to Just One More Bite, Christina will continue to shake things up. What are her motives? Maybe we will get a small bite of that soon.

Diva to Donuts will be moving forward with the plot a little more, but expect some interesting twists leading to some... indulgent scenarios! Have you all figured out exactly what's going on and where things fit in the timeline? If not... that's my bad. I'll be adding some easier to follow transitions when we go jumping ahead or back in time! Also Mana might actually be in it soon... It's been like.... 2 months.

Oh so yeah, Hina? She's doing ok, snacking, gaming, getting neglected from comics. I hope you enjoyed a small look into this short comic version of Hina's life. I'll be doing more with Growing Struggles to show more than Alex....but I am still going to show a lot of Alex, I mean, there is so much of her! But back to Hina! Taste of Temptation is getting some pages this month! This comic has always been my testing ground for more high end work, which doesn't let me set it on a schedule without rushing. I however have things all planned out and am really looking forward to bringing this short comic a little closer to it's food stuffed, delicious climax!

And.... now the rest! I have sketch upgrades, random fan art, and poll winners for your enjoyment as well! Please comment with what types of things you are enjoying the most! Who knows, maybe I'll look upon and get inspiration! I appreciate you all so so much!  You have no clue the pleasure it brings me to create art that people actually enjoy! It's a dream come true, and I am so close to making this my full time job and really getting to focus on this! Without you all, I wouldn't be the me I am today so thank you for everything and I hope to keep your trust in me making the largest ladies that I can!

Oh cool! you made it to the end? Or did you just skip here? No matter! Poll Upgrade time! If your $10 or up you get a new special ability! Tired of having your characters not win? Wouldn't it be great if you could force the chubby hand of justice to make a girl massive? Well now you can! From now on, on the $10 poll only (The one with 3 times the voting power) Character votes will carry over to the next month! They will continue until your character wins, or is no longer suggested for a month. So don't give up on your best girl, make her the biggest girl too!



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