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Hi everyone! Here we start a new year with new things and updates. Below are some updates and I will answer some frequently asked questions...as well as say a couple things. If you want just the important things you can read the first 2 updates below.

****Comic changes! Weight of experience will be updating only on Monday as I am near the finale of the comic. Mana's comic "From Diva to Donuts will be taking the Friday comic slot. If you want more information as to why you can keep reading!****

****As my OCS won the polls this month, I may take the time to draw the 2nd place winners... I am not sure I can fit this in my schedule but I will try my best to get them drawn. ****

2nd place winners were Gwen Stacy for Female Poll and Astolfo for Male Poll.


1. Will Secret of Junkfood continue?

Yes, however at this time I do not have the script planned. I really love how this comic was recieved however when I made the comic it was originally going to be very short. I only had the first 2 chapters story drafted... I was at a bit of a loss for the rest. Chi's story was told and the sequel may focus on his sister. I very much appreciate the support on this comic!!

2. How much is left of Weight of Experience?

To be honest I'm not 100% sure however I can tell you we're in the final parts of it. However I have a patreon goal set on my main page as a continued milestone for a "Weight of Experience 2".  If the goal is met and held I will start on the story drafting.

3. Are you switching to female content/changing focus?

Not exactly.  I am doing a mix. Reasons stated in next question!

4. Why are you now drawing female characters?

Personal reasons really. I originally made my twitter/account to basically make just weight of experience... and draw some cute femboys I loved. However as I made content I felt I really wanted to do more and draw other characters I loved. I really just want to be myself and make content that I love and want to share it with you all!

5. Do you work full time on your art?

I strangely get this one a lot. This questions is always something I don't feel the most comfortable answering but to keep it simple. No. I am a part time artist for now.

6. Do you take commissions?

At this moment ... no I am not open for commissions. I feel it difficult to take on commissions. As much as I adore peoples requests and do wish I could get everyone. I will be finishing up what I have of owed commissions and not be taking on any new commissions  for the foreseeable future. Very sorry!

Those are the top asked things I get and I just wanted to share them as it might clarify some things.

As well to add my own response to Weight of Experience...

Why switch Weight of Experience to one day a week?

I want to take my time on the remaining pages as this comic is very, very important to me. It was my first long running comic and I learned so much as I went along!!

Thank you all SO SO much for your support so far in my art journey. I look forward to 2022 with everyone and hope to give you the best content I can.



While I read and understood all that...Chibi Chi...🥺