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Haruki and Yuki alone.......?💜




Man, she's fat.

Brandon Hatch

Wait, is that just an old picture of a former female friend of Mana, or were they something more?

Brandon Hatch

Is everyone but Zen going to be flipping gay in this, or will there be some heterosexual representation in this fat love scene?


I love all the fatties your drawing Alice. They all are looking so cute, Haruki, Mana, and everyone else.


Dude, us queers don’t get nearly enough representation anywhere in the world. If this LGBTQ+ artist wants to draw comics where the majority of the characters are gay, f*cking let them.


Mana finally accepting being fat again but bigger


Hope to see Mana, with bigger boobs, to contrast with a huge obese guy ;3


I am going to be doing a comic for Mana eventually once I have it written out that will explain a lot of her past and about her weight!


Oh jeez Yuki and Haruki alone in the house? This will definitely be interesting. Just curious do you plan on eventually showing Haruki and Yuki getting lewd when they get closer? Or are you gonna just leave that to imagination?


Haurki and Yuki alone sounds good. 😊


I know Mana doesn't make frequent appearances but after reading the short story dedicated to her, she is by far one of my favorite characters.


Thank you, Mana will be getting her own comic, I'm not exactly sure when but it's being planned! 💜