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The 13 Reasons Why lore runs deeper than we could have possibly imagined thanks to Netflix's new series Cursed, in which our hero Hannah Baker returns from the dead as a Queen Arthur of sorts. Although King Arthur is also there, but he's not a king yet. And Merlin is there too, but he doesn't have any magic.

Sounds fun, right?!

Obviously not. It's a bad show.

Be warned; the first half of this show is legitimately a chore to get through, but it does pick up as it nears the finale and the conclusion is absolutely worth sticking around for. A true NO TIGERS to GO TIGERS tale for the ages!

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Watch Us Watch | Cursed | Season 1 - Episode 10


Kieran Gray

Emily Coates is 25! (According to Google) also has BLM links in her instagram bio so we have no choice but to stan


Have you watched The Umbrella Academy?? You should react to that if you haven't. It's definitely one I'd love to see you guys react too :)

Hjalmar Andersen

they really took a page out of Taika Waititi's book with that Merlin ending huh. lightning eyes and all


Oh my God, imagine having both Bangs and Golden Boy in the same cast for something. What an absolute DELIGHT would that be? I'd be fucking honored to to watch that

Holly Rose

sitting through these 10 painful episodes was worth it for confirmation that we’re getting a track for a certain movies anniversary, hell yeah


this was unbearable but Praise Bangs I hope she's in more stuff


cursed is game of thrones for people whose breaking bad is riverdale


cant believe kylo ren was lancelot the entire time