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The Yassification of One Penelope Featherington

Penelope & Colin? Really??? Hell after they were able to turn me around on the Queen, I trust Bridgerton to make me fall in love with anyone. That's right baby, we're back in horny town with a third season of one of my favorite shows!

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Samantha Berry

hiya, just wanted to let you know the audio gets progressively quieter until you can't hear anything at about 9 mins and then it comes back in full at 10:43

Paige Foster

The song that was playing while Penelope and Collin were fucking was POV-Ariana Grande

Ava Unzueta

My service is terrible right now and my screen froze on you flicking the camera off for a good five minutes. Loved every second of it.


I agree with you that I think the month off was a bad decision on Netflix's part and ruined the momentum/excitement of the season. Even though season 3 part 1 wasn't as exciting as the previous seasons I at least I felt more invested after being able to see the progression of the relationships. A month was way too long and now it feels like the excitement of it has worn off.

Kayla Foley

100 percent correct!! Like, did Season 2 suffer bc it was released all at once? Or Queen Charlotte??Obviously NOT. Losing momentum this way is so unnecessary 😫

Tamrin Alfanzo Peachcazkes

SO in the behind the scene of the hot air balloon scene, the actress said she took her time getting away from it because she was horny BAHAHAAHHAHAAH watching hot ass colin lmaoaooa


During the break between season 3 part 1 and part 2, I rewatched some of the old episodes from the previous seasons of Bridgerton (season 1, 2, and Queen Charlotte) to get a better idea of why I'm not more invested the Polin romance, and here are my thoughts: (Also please excuse the long post, but I'm genuinely interested to hear others thoughts on this topic and I don't know many other Bridgerton watchers in person.) Season 1 really set the stage for everything we love about Bridgerton: the setting, the costumes, the steamy scenes, the balls, the dancing, the instrumental covers of pop songs, all set in a fictionalized Regency era England complete with diverse characters and its very own Gossip Girl mystery writer. This season also introduced some of our most beloved characters in this universe (personally, Lady Danbury and Benedict are my faves). In terms of the Daphne and Duke relationship there were several reasons that I was invested. First, I appreciated the development of the characters and their motivations for doing certain things made sense in regard to their characters’ backstory (even though I don’t agree with some of them like the Daphne’s actions when the Duke told her he couldn’t have children). For Daphne, she is a young girl who has always lived in a wealthy home under the protection of her mother, for which she demonstrates her naivety throughout the season in terms of how easy and romantic the courting process will be, as well as the mechanics behind physical intimacy. Then, you have the Duke who has spent a majority of his life feeling less than and not deserving of love based on the cruelty from his father while growing up. The tension between Daphne and the Duke feels very real and the stakes feel high as both characters have a lot of pressure involving their marriage: Daphne with being the first of her siblings to marry, in addition to pressure from the queen in having the “perfect” marriage after being named “the Diamond” of the season. For the Duke, he has spent his life resenting his father, hellbent on the idea that the only way to spite his father is in creating his father’s worst nightmare: the ending of his father’s legacy and genetic line by the Duke not having children. Their chemistry felt very natural and the characters did not even fully declare their attraction to each other until the 5th episode (with epic lines like “I BURN FOR YOU”) after several moments of longing looks and several weeks of their fake relationship. Although season 1 wasn’t my favorite season, it really established the world building of the show and made the audience hungry for more. Now season 2. This season was very different from season 1 in many ways, however, kept many of our favorite parts of Bridgerton from the first season interwoven throughout. A notable difference in this season was the significant decrease in intimate scenes. Despite this being something many people enjoyed about season 1, I felt that this only enhanced the intensity of the attraction between the main couple, Anthony and Kate, as their relationship gradually grew until they literally couldn’t keep their hands off each other. And when I say gradual, I mean the slowest burn in the history of slow burns. Anthony and Kate do not even kiss until the end of the 5th episode, despite having almost kissed about 5 times prior to this moment, and do not have any intimate scenes until episode 7. Another highlight of this season like the first season was the development of the two main characters: Anthony, the eldest male relative of the Bridgerton household feeling an enormous sense of responsibility for the welfare of his family line, prioritizing the status of his future bride over his own desires for a romantic partnership. This coupled with the trauma that he felt in not being in control to prevent the death of his father as well as thinking it impossible to find someone who equally matches his stubbornness, clever, and competitive nature explains why he is so guarded in trusting another person and making a decision on who to marry based on what he wants, not on what would be best for his family. Similar to Anthony, Kate has felt an obligation to make decisions that best serve her family. She has completely prioritized securing a perfect husband for her sister, Edwina, completely neglecting any notion to find a romantic partner herself despite being “gasp” 20 and 6 years old. Plus, the dynamic between her stepmother marrying her father who was poor, causing the mother and Edwina to lose their noble status really enhances the guilt Kate must feel in her sister not having the affluent life she wants for her, as well as the distance between the stepmother and Kate. This season also had so many great lines in the dozens of moments of sexual tension between Kate and Anthony (some examples: “You are the bane of my existence and object of all my desires”, there will not be a time when you do not vex me”, “I will humble myself before you…because I love you.” “Do you think that there is a corner of this Earth that you could travel to far away enough to free me from this torment?) that were outstanding the actors both incredible, every encounter between the characters had me glued to my screen. By the time these characters finally get together in the last episode of the season, the ending feels so deserved I remember feeling so happy and satisfied once I finished the season. Then we have Queen Charlotte. I definitely did not go into this season with high expectations. Usually spinoffs feel unnecessary and drawn out to me, just something to entertain the audience while we wait for the next season of the original show to be released. Especially because I had such an enjoyable time watching season 2, I expected a lot of filler since this would be a prequel and not feature many of the characters we love from the original series… But boy was I wrong. I can not say enough good things about this show. Again, every season Bridgerton had so far outdone itself in terms of character development and motivation. This is one of the few examples I can think of where the spinoff surpasses the original, each scene feeling necessary and carrying emotional depth as the stakes of the Charlotte and George’s relationship feel so intense. Despite their being so many characters and different plot lines, the series never drags and every character’s story is engaging (i.e., Charlotte, George, Brimsley, Reynolds, George’s mother, Lady Danbury). Also, the show provided us information that informed the current Bridgerton series, providing backstory into the motivations behind Queen Charlotte’s stern presence while commanding the throne being the first example of a POC ruler in the monarchy, Lady Danbury appearing confident and never defeated as demonstrated by George’s mom after their discussion about not showing weakness, Lady Danbury’s desire not to be committed to someone else and live life independently, and Queen Charlotte’s desire to hide George away from the public, something I thought was because she was ashamed of him but actually was because she was intent on protecting him from scrutiny. And the challenges of George’s mental illness inhibiting from ruling as he was born to do makes him feel broken, constantly ashamed that Charlotte who he loves, was “conned” into a relationship with someone “broken” like him. The female performances alone from the actresses who played young Lady Danbury, the princess, and Queen Charlotte were so incredible, really depicting how important it was to not demonstrate weakness as a woman during this timer period. The sacrifice that each of the characters make (Charlotte staying by George’s side during challenges from his mental illness, George enduring torture to try to “cure” himself, Lady Danbury no pursuing a relationship with Violet’s father in order to secure the nobility of her family, Brimsley and Reynolds being unable to maintain their relationship due to the taboo of homosexual relationships, as well as their status as employees of the crown) made me fall in love with every character. For me, the highlight of this love story was not only that Charlotte and George instantly loved each other and lived happily ever after. It was that Charlotte and George truly loved each other and made the decision to stand by each other everyday, no matter how hard it would be, choosing to love the other person. The last 20 minutes of the final episode were my absolute favorite, I’ve rewatched them many times since. The scene of young Brimsley dancing with Reynolds slowly transitioning into older Brimsley dancing by himself with a instrumental rendition of "I Will Always Love You" playing in the background... absolutely destroyed me it was so well done. Then to end the season with Queen Charlotte finally encountering George in the present, something we’ve waited 6 episodes for, was an absolute joy. I’ll try not to get too in the weeds but seeing Charlotte show such genuine care and love for George, asking him to “hide from the heavens” with her in a orientation changing shot under the bed that mirrored what she did for him decades before and knowing what he needs in that moment. Then despite his moments of delusion, the camera showing each of them seeing the other as they were when they first met is making me tear up just thinking about it. I was absolutely floored by this show and the writers simply nailed it. So now I start season 3. At this point, I’ve been absolutely floored by the Bridgerton universe, each season surpassing the previous season in a way I didn’t think was possible so I didn’t know what to expect. Especially because Colin and Penelope as a couple have always lacked chemistry in my opinion, Colin never showing any interest in Penelope up to this point (he literally said SHE DIDN’T COUNT AS A WOMAN). In addition, Colin and Penelope are characters that we have already had a lot of backstory provided from the previous seasons, so I was interested to see 1) how Colin’s perspective of Penelope would change, and 2) are they going to go more in depth to the characters’ motivations. Also, I knew going into this season, one of my favorite scenes with Penelope were when she was interacting with Eloise, someone who she was not currently on good terms with. Also with Penelope being a Featherington, I knew this season would feature them often, where the Featherington storylines in Bridgerton have always felt like filler content and not as compelling as other season storylines. As expected, this season broke the streak for me of Bridgerton improving each season. My first issue with this season was the amount of attention divided among characters. While we did see all our favorites (minus Daphne and the Duke) the division of time among them was very annoying at times. I loved seeing Kate and Anthony, especially since we were not shown their wedding, however their quick appearance in only a few of the episodes of this season left me wanting more. Also, Benedict has always been my favorite Bridgerton and I enjoyed his journey of self growth in pursuing his passion for painting, ultimately not requiring involvement in the art institute to affirm his worth as an artist at the end of season 2. So I was very disappointed in season 3 where Benedict had completely regressed to his one-dimensional presence in season 1, just having random flings with a married woman, not demonstrating any character growth that was shown last season. I understand they use his character often for comedic relief but I don’t like how one note his character is often written as. Also, there was too much time spent on the Featherington mother and the sisters. It baffles me how much of a presence they have had in every season because their storylines have always been the least engaging to me and drag the pace of the show significantly. Unlike the intensity, tension, and slow burn of the previous seasons, this season felt flat. In previous seasons, the primary couple were encountering challenges in which the stakes were high (the Duke having to change his opinion in continuing his father’s legacy despite years of his hatred of the man, Anthony’s obligation to his family and ruining Edwina’s reputation, Queen Charlotte and George securing legitimacy as competent rulers), the relationship between Penelope and Colin had like 0 conflict. Not only did they decide to get married only two episodes after Colin even imagined Penelope as a potential partner, but I almost laughed at how quick the scene of them announcing their engagement to the Bridgerton family, where everyone (with the exception of Eloise) could not be happier and there was 0 confusion at Colin’s recent and to this point barely noticeable interest in Penelope. While I did enjoy the inclusion of Lady Danbury’s brother in the season as well as the potential for Violet to have a potential love interest, this was another relationship that I wish would have more screen time. I had many issues with Francescas characters also. I found her character very confusing in the first part, not sure why she was not interested in her potential suitors, especially since we have never spent longer than 15 seconds on this character is past seasons. I literally had no idea what she wanted or even desired in a partner, something that I don’t think was well demonstrated in this show, I feel like the only thing I learned about her this whole season was she liked to play piano. That’s it. Also, side note but the setting seemed a lot smaller than previous seasons. In the previous seasons we experienced different locations such as different castles and poorer areas were the newspaper etc. however I felt like this season didn’t provide anything new in terms of location. Also, this is more a personal note, but a lot of the instrumental pop music that was chosen for this season was unrecognizable, a lot of it feeling like they just picked popular songs from Tik Tok compared to some of the amazing power ballads from previous seasons (Last season we got "I Will Always Love You" and now we have Pitbull.) So overall, the relationship between Penelope and Colin seemed unbelievable and forced, making it really hard to enjoy the show since they are the central couple of season 3. I hope for season 4 we finally get a Benedict season, or at the very least the characters are less 1-dimensional as they were in season 3. What do y’all think? I know this is very long, but I have spent a lot of time thinking about this show over the years and I’m really curious how other people have experienced this new season. Sorry for the long post!

Jada Merritt

Funny thing about Gregory’s broken arm, (reminder: he got it from falling off the roof trying to look at the hot air balloon) the writers just wrote it in because they thought it’d be funny. Meanwhile, Claudia Jessie (Eloise’s actress) ACTUALLY broke her wrist on set at the beginning of shooting s3, that’s why she had tons of fluffy clothes and shit covering her arms in part one 😭You can even see the cast at some points


Im Johnny kapahala back on board


Me: *starts the wuw* Lol nice shorts Eric Eric: Yeah I’m wearing shorts! It’s hot out, sue me! Me: 😟