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It's a show about me, right?

Decided to watch this new Netflix series Eric for obvious reasons. Had no idea what to expect, but turns out it's really good!

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i wasn’t entirely sure how i felt about this show during episode one but that changed so quick and now i have to have an intense debate with myself about if i watch the next three episodes immediately to satiate my curiosity or if i hold out for the commentary tracks to watch it for the first time with the tracks


That scene during the pitch where Eric talked about living in the darkness but finding the light, just the emotion and the way it was shot gave me chills. I liked how they chose to focus only on Vincent for a moment too - with the whole, "I can't believe I'm talking to a puppet" phenomenon it was nice to see Vincent's perspective through Eric. Also, I love that this seems like the type of show where after it's done, you can go back and re-watch episode 1 and catch so many details about the kidnapping and certain characters. I took a quick peak back at episode 1, and already noticed that the camera lingers on a few things that seem important with more context. Holding back to watch the episodes along with the commentary is so tough but it's been such a fun way to experience the show! So glad you're doing commentaries for Eric because I don't think I would have known about it otherwise.