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Hey ladies and gents, sorry you haven't heard from me for over a month. Unfortunately I have some bad news but also good news to add onto it. 

          Let's get the bad news out of the way. For the past few weeks I have tried my best to log back into the game/program I use (TK17) to animate with no success. I have tried clearing my registry, uninstalling/reinstalling and asking for a new key from a mod creator. I have encountered this issue countless a amount of times and the last solution I mentioned with the key usually works. At this point I don't even know that receiving a key will get me back in and frankly I don't really care to anymore. The problem occurs whenever you don't log into the game for a certain amount of time which is rather ridiculous because its very inconsistent and you won't think there is an issue until you try to log in one day and you get an error message. As a result of having to deal with outdated software, I'm moving on to other more reliable programs.

          Now for the good news :) During those few days where I wasn't logging into TK17 I was taking a small break from animating and using that time to learn other programs. If you have visited the discord, you will be familiar with my rather stressful attempt at learning a new program. I have been smashing my proverbial face against the never-ending wall of frustration that is Blender with the hope of making a progress. Turns out after doing that hard enough, I am beginning  to make significant a breakthrough. Yes the picture you see there is Sonia's model that I have been working on for the past 3 weeks. She is still a work in progress as you can see, she still doesn't have her 11 inch Dingwallace. All the textures and her body shape were imported from Character Creator 3. I of-course spent an arm and a leg to get her to look like that in CC3 but luckily I only have to do that once. 

          To be perfectly clear, I do not plan to even attempt learning how to animate in Blender for the time being. Modeling, Importing, Rigging  and other stuff that has to go into making a character is enough of a headache for a beginner like me. The reason I am making a Blender model is for Source Filmmaker. I am switching over to SFM (more specifically S2FM). After observing some really talented  creators like DesireSFM,  KamadevaSFM, Nyl etc, I realized that I was missing out on a lot of features that wound improve my animation quality. SFM is also easy to use and shouldn't really take me that long to be decent at since I have some experience in animation. 

          I see so much potential in the sheer scale and quality of my content by switching over to SFM. I cant wait to have all of my models there and animate the best content for ya'll. I'm not gonna lie, it is a bummer having to leave TK17, it is basically the only program I have used for animation. I have had nothing put positive experiences interacting with the community members over there. The character customization, hair physics, ease of use and community content was also awesome. However I can not overlook the severe lack of core animation features like a rootTransform (moving the entire character), camera options, particles, liquids and not to mention an actual key map editor to speed things up. While using TK17, instead of dragging keys from point A to B, I literally had no choice but to ctrl C (copy) then ctrl V (paste) them. I would often place them in the wrong spot and have to repeat this process. Things like this severely hinder productivity and are one of the many reasons my projects take so long.

          Anyway enough ranting for now, I'm just glad that progress is being made and I can finally tell you guys what goes on behind the scenes. I'm glad to have your support as always. Silence from me usually means I am animating or I have ran into some issues. Don't worry I never forget about you all. I hope you can join me in this next journey to greatness. My next project is still going to be Experimenting part 1. I will perfect my skills to the best of my ability to make sure you guys love every second of my next video. 

Thank you all.




Eternal Transient

Just found your work, and I'm loving what you've done already; can't wait to see what you can do with the new software.


Has anyone heard from this creator since this post?