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I don’t think the 2nd Trump Administration will really adopt isolationist policy. He just will not engage the world bound by the liberal “international order” but it doesn’t mean that he will keep the US isolated. Instead, he will engage the world in a way that is the most beneficial to his right-wing allies. 

A weakened or even dismantled EU led by a right-wing Germany, a bruised but still threatening Russia that has to be brought to terms with Ukraine for a “nonaggression pact”, weakened Euro favouring international acquisition for US capitalists are the base case for the right-wing. 

At the same time, the Middle East‘s influence in world politics will likely be weakened since petrol economy is going to dwindle within two decades anyway. It is more likely to be muddy waters for advancing other opportunistic agendas only. 

A second Trump Administration is likely to be tougher on China, but since Trump has too many cards to play already, and there is no urgency for him to take a drastic approach. 

All these are far from an isolationist policy. It’s more realpolitik. 

I agree with you that the Italian right-wing, like its predecessors circa WWII, becomes more mainstream after gaining power. But they have never been serious on the right-wing agenda to begin with. The right-wing has produced realist strategists, not theorists. And the world is becoming a right-wing wet dream when shit’s on fire everywhere. This time they don‘t even need to start a world war to advance their agenda. 

Just some shower thoughts. Need to further observe and tidy up the points.

▶️ 如果特朗普再次成為美國總統,會出兵保衛台灣嗎?



Bryan Chan

Trump have a serious credibility issues toward Russia and China. He could be easily compromised. It will be very hard for the other Ally leaders to trust US with information and negotiations when Trump is in power.


If Trump were made president again, I'm more worried that he might leave a power vacuum in global affairs and allow US adversaries ample room to stretch their ambitious arms. Machiavellian thoughts and revengeful DNA that run through his blood are the natural accompaniment to the disinterest bordering on disparagement he shows toward existing structures, opposing voices, or anything outside his agenda. He might put his own interests, disguised by MAGA-like slogans, above facts and national interests. Given the US trajectory under Trump, no amount of engagement is likely to push his agenda toward convergence with US allies. In a world destined to be shaped by cold, if not Machiavellian, transactional alliances, proponents of liberal democracies will be the losers. If Trump's comeback is an irresistible momentum against a frail Biden, I'm disconcerted not so much by a madman as by whether there are still candidates of more independent thinking within his circle for important positions, such as vice president, secretary of state, national security advisor, and attorney general, so that he can still be subject to checks and balances.

堅離地書院 College

not sure if it's "compromised", probably he just wanna be unpredictable to everyone, and thus resulting in destabilizing existing global alliance nonetheless...

堅離地書院 College

but the US global presence has its inner logic, and very radical changes (like quitting NATO) would be constrained by many other factors. still have faith in the american system of checks and balances.