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Green Tea

The target of holding hostages is to use human lives to override the rule of law. It is raw coercion: if you don’t do what I tell you to do I will harm you or the things that you value the most. A group of 19 high-profile Canadians urged Justice Minister David Lametti to intervene to free Meng. They wanted the government to ignore its treaty obligations in exchange for the 2 Michaels. Trudeau’s response was “such a move would embolden China to detain other Canadians to further its political goals”. Trudeau understood that if the coercion works once, there will be more such attempts and that will put more Canadians in peril. What Trudeau is telling CCP is that HOLDING HOSTAGE TACTIC WON’T WORK ON CANADA. There was great pressure on him to capitulate to China’s demands, but he recognized that he would not merely be giving over Meng, but surrendering the very principle of lawful process itself. Canada stuck to its principles, and in the end it held. Trudeau in fact comes out as the big winner in the matter. Biden came out looking not quite as strong in upholding the rule of law, as it does look like the prosecution compromised a bit by accepting a deferred prosecution agreement. However, no matter what US did, you could suspect political interference: if Meng was tried and acquitted, some people would say they let her off to appease China, and if she was tried and convicted, people would say they were punishing China. As it happened, the prosecutors decided they got what they needed from the deferred prosecution agreement. (This happens all the time; although cases should ideally be decided solely on the law, in practice prosecutors ALWAYS have to decide how to allocate their scarce resources and which cases to prioritize. So seeing that Huawei has already suffered losses for their alleged lawbreaking could well be an appropriate factor in their decision to withdraw the extradition request.) Strictly speaking, Biden should have had nothing to do with the prosecutors’ decision, but as a skilled and pragmatic politician, he was able to use their decision to his advantage in rebuilding respect for U.S. legal process and while the appearance of having compromised on Meng LOOKS a little weak, it can still be turned into a demonstration of how the U.S. looks out for the interests of its allies (Canada). As for China, was it not obvious that the arrest of the 2 Michaels was completely a result of Meng’s detention in Canada? China wanted to use coercion to force Canada to give up her rule of law to let Meng go and she failed at that. Yes, Meng is back to China and that is what China wants, but at what cost? China showed that her own legal system is worthless. Everyone suspected (and was MEANT to suspect) that the two Michaels were being charged not for committing any actual crime, but to be used as bargaining chips, but when they were released mere hours after the deferred prosecution agreement, all doubt was removed. China has no actual legal principle, just raw coercive force dressed up with the superficial trappings of legality. And everyone saw the lie for what it was.

悉尼 袋鼠

(只係針對文章最後一段) 加拿大响正美國隔籬,國防早已外判俾美國,正確啲講係free-ride,四隻現役潛艇亦係為英國陳年二手貨,海面戰艦翻新得嚟亦老化。寫咁多句,就係要講,加拿大連QUAD呢啲策略性組織都無參與,佢哋亦無足夠地緣誘因及迫切性,去更新海軍艦隊,所以中短期內,係唔存在參與AUKUS之類嘅軍事聯盟(反而日本有自家船艦,係AUKUS盟約之外嘅另一個重要盟友)