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香港人永遠想不通一回事。移民到外國,仍然抱著生活在香港的價值觀,不融入外國的價值觀與文化,就開口埋口種族歧視。就選擇湊在中國人一堆,呆在溫哥華及多倫多。結果逃離中國又住在中國人圈子裡,被藍絲攻擊,又要說沒有種族歧視。是,這不是種族歧視,因為是同宗同祖, 是本族歧視。但這比種族歧視更嚴重。

被人停節目,炒魷魚,皆因政治因素。這就是本族歧視。還不敢聲,不敢告。  是種族歧視,還可以告。

全世界只有一個國家沒有種族歧視,亦只有中國人的地方沒有種族歧視。但中國人對中國人的歧視,比被其他種族歧視更甚。但這不是種族歧視, 因為是同宗同祖, 是本族歧視。




但,香港人從來沒有說我在香港是 N 等市民,只會說,移民到外國,我係二等市民。被本族歧視 還不知道。

移民加拿大,拿著我有香港技能不放,能夠做什麼?結果就是往中國人堆轉。 Vancouver, Toronto. 白移民。

想多一些香港人移民加拿大,成立一個香港 community。做夢! 香港人口八百萬。中國人口十四億。1%中國人移民就一千四百萬。全香港人移民都無咁多。海外華人 community 永遠是中國移民人的世界。

香港是一個彈丸之地,在整個世界之中,舉不足道。不要抱著香港文化不放,要全世界繞著香港文化轉。移民到一個新地方,就要融入當地文化,不要希望當地文化改變來適應你。 其實適應不適應,只是一個 comfort zone 而已。是你自己願不願意踏出你的 comfort zone。


Youtube 中有一對香港年輕夫婦,太太二十六歲,想移民加拿大。她先查一查加拿大需要什麼職業人才,查清楚後,發覺還有學校有經濟補助讀書。她決定一個人去 Montreal 讀書(非 Vancouver 或 Toronto),她準備把女兒交給娘家帶兩年。她是先頭部隊,兩年後天都光晒。難得先生放棄反對。這才是正確對待移民之路。此女將來在加拿大必出人頭地,值得認識交個朋友。

移民加拿大,要跳出 Vancouver 與 Toronto。  除非你是藍絲。

拿我這篇 Email,做個節目,喚醒香港人。香港只有你有資格。





Alex Chow

有個長輩,嫁比外國人,移居加拿大廿幾年,每次返香港就話比人歧視。我就諗,究竟佢有冇融入人哋生活?定係自己心入面成日覺得被歧視? 佢一把年紀,當然係深藍,其實真係想問佢一句,既然比人歧視,點解唔去大陸住?

Elaine Yip

香港人去哪個國家是要融入當地社會, 尊重當地文化建立良好關係, 至於是不是 comfort zone 不是重點, 因人各自的際遇或個人性情而心境不同吧! 說真, 有誰不喜歡過自在的生活?

Elaine Yip

至於中國人分等級的程度真是全球之冠, 尤其是對自己的國民! 中國人打壓中國人的例子比任何國家對中國人更甚, 去到不可理喻的境況 ...




當年喺Richmond讀書,香港人佔咗中學一本人口,另外一半係印裔學生。嗰陣冇乜大陸生,白人變咗學校嘅少數族裔。 好自然咁,香港裔學生分散兩類:(1)埋堆同其他香港人照香港一樣生活嘅人,(2)學好英文,同白人南亞裔印裔玩埋一齊嘅人。 (1) 嘅學生好多到畢咗業啲英文都仲係麻麻,有啲叻嘅都仲有(港英)口音,唔叻嘅普通ESL都未甩。好多畢業之後都返晒去香港做嘢。(2)嘅學生好多中文本身唔係好識,更莫講廣東話同粵語文字,『香港人』民族意識薄弱。融入加拿大主流生活,冇乜留意香港消息。 當然兩邊都有exception。安逸,埋堆,係每個人都自然會追求嘅嘢。有啲識合用港人身份追求安逸,有啲識合用加拿大人身份追求,that's it。 但人權係國際嘅value,到時到候,有良知嘅人都會support海外diaspora,有錢出錢,有力出力。到時候白人會有份,中國同胞會有份,加拿大人同潛香港裔嘅人會有份,返咗香港又走返嚟嘅都會有份。跳出Van/Toronto當然有幫助,但都唔需要係唯一條件嘅。

Margaret Chan

同番asian 圈做朋友係無奈的現實, 來來去去都係那個原因...語言, 英文有幾好,都唔會係native, 但唔溶入local 文化,只係asian 圈生活只會死路一條, open minded. Think outside of the box , creative thinking 才可開闢自己的路


我住多倫多,喜歡主流社會的生活,唔睇本地華人媒體報導,明白筆者的意思,雖然筆者有偏激立場,唔覺得筆者言論針對緊我,華鬥華係事實。 住在多倫多,但世界性地生活,會撐黃圈、去台灣夜市掃街、黃刀睇極光、做義工、日本shopping、YouTube看溫哥華房地產、參加多倫多街頭節、站在街頭看pride parade... 住那裡不重要,最緊要不要困住個心。

Jacky Fung

有一個 point 幾唔認同, 各國幫香港人建立 pathway 比我地走,除左係基於人道立場同國際責任,其實都係睇中香港人既特性同技能。 融入呢個社會唔代表要放棄之前嘅技能, 而係要搵一個方法點樣用之前嘅技能去融入新既社會先係真真正正既融入文化。除去自己既 Identity 係洗底, 唔係融入。 香港一個彈丸之地八百萬人城市,當年可以同倫敦紐約睇齊, 個人認為絕對唔係微不足道。 海外香港人嘅community就係要做到呢個目的, 將香港人獨有嘅優勢, 去幫助當地城市去發展。

James Green

1同2都各有用處。只顧任何一邊都唔係好事。或者最後都係兄弟爬山。外向啲的咪2, 其他就1


So I grew up in Toronto and spent the majority of my adult life there. I can tell you from at least anecdotal experience that while the writer definitely has a more pointed view, that he actually isn't far from what my own experience. I'm not saying HK folks don't have skills, but people who most strongly identify as HKers tend to stay in their own little bubbles and are generally speaking less well adjusted. Growing up I had the exact experience as the author, over half the class went back to HK after graduation, and 95% of them are what you'd call ill adapted (subpar English, poor integration, watches TVB, usually relatively well off, etc) I think people sometimes forget the condition of which their skills are forged. HK was forged from exposure, in my view. And she benefitted from interacting for and with others. You can feel good about what you've accomplished and yet also acknowledge that the normal population is very ill equipped for its own survival. Look at Egyptian Christians, look at Jewish folks, they turn out high professionals at a staggering rate and have a very strong sense of community. HK folks have not to my observation. It's something that is worth thinking about.

Gary Lee

放棄香港一切、離開一個 comfort zone 已經不是很有志氣的嗎?鬥志氣同鬥黃都是不必要的爭坳吧。

Chapman Yeung

其實去多倫多溫哥華唔係因為華人多, 而係因為工作多, 4分1加拿大人都喺依兩個城市。


正解。 當你係一份銀行工作,全國其實得大城市先至有規模到 有你嘅工種。 唔係個個願意由零開始做水喉匠,開餐廳, 其實亦冇必要。 上一代人冇得上網, 資訊無咁發達 ,梗係要靠華人圈子要住唐人街。但係而家已經越嚟越少。


其實第二個原因,係因為有離開過自己國家嘅人係比較容易接納到 其他地方嘅人。如果一直留喺自己國家其實唔係好識同外國人相處。 成長背景,品味,都完全唔一樣,好睇你幾多歲過嚟同埋適應能力有幾高,階級等等。

Theresa Tang



Actually in a major city like Toronto, it's not uncommon to find over half of the members of whatever organization you work for coming from some where else. No one think of it as weird if you hold on to your roots. Actually it is well accepted by everyone. Perhaps the Prof in question here is speaking from the US perspective, but in Canada that certainly is not 'anti social'. You always hear second generations saying proud of their roots and at the same time being a proud Canadian. There is no conflict, and no one bats an eye. That's my big city experience anyways.


Definitely in Toronto multiculturalism is a prevalent norm. Lamborghini show-off in downtown not withstanding, lol. I guess the professor is looking to address the realities of being an immigrant and maybe what he or she has been reading from comments are too defiant and self-fivey.. which I think is fair.


嘩,勁呀!you are a worm inside my belly 😁. Simon really got some 高質 reader!! What this reader said about chinese discrimination; I can't agree more. But it's just so hard to explain to my non chinese friends. I wish this reader will write to some major foreign media to explain that complex meaning of discrimination to the western world. Whenever I tried to talk about it with my non chinese friends, it sounded wrong as if I am telling them to join me to the discrimination against chinese. 😁 Now about Hikers not willing to blend in and embrace local culture. It's very frustrating. I personally avoid hanging out with hkers/ chinese ever since I joined the work force ( i wished to embrace mainstream culture). Although I intentionally avoid hanging out with the same race, my best best friends are still hkers. I feel sad for them tho. They live in a very limited world, watch TVB shows, go to chinese churches, hang out only with chinese outside work. They live a fine life, just that i wish they could explore outside their comfort zone, there's so much out there. They could have embraced more of the mainstream culture.


By the way, if i tell them what i think or forward the reader's view for them, I am afraid they would find it insulting. I wouldn't want to lose them, so i let them live their unfortunately narrow view life.


I have been living in the Greater Toronto Area for 15 years now. From both my professional and day-to-day experience I don't feel any discrimination at all. I once worked on several bank-wide projects for a major bank in the downtown district. A significant proportion of employees are immigrants from Eastern Europe, South America, India, China, or other countries, all speaking accented English but none of the locals showed any sign of discrimination. In our daily life, you meet people moving to Canada from everywhere around the world. There is no such thing as a "second-class citizen" here. If you don't look down on yourself, no one will look down on you.


我自己喺多倫多二十年 (中學時代除父母移民),覺得筆者可以chill out 啲啲, 唔一定要 draw a hard line。上綱上線同戰狼小粉紅冇乜分別。 加拿大經常自己強調唔要求新移民好似美國式大融爐大融合,多元文化只要求你專重其他人就可以。即係要做煩x或要香港人自己圍爐,其實都係你個人嘅自由,係可以專重嘅 (但不一定要認同)。


其實筆者可能只係想“鼓勵大家,如果要移民,就要積極融入當地文化和生活” 我聽我Miss講,响英國Manchester同Liverpool“香港人”個朵已經臭咗~ 我唔知點解搞成咁,但事實就係“當地香港人支那化”,人哋已視你為“中國人”。 或者係“態度決高度”吧,唔係“本族歧視”,但永遠最鐘意捉人口音嘅就係香港人 ENDS🤣🤣🤣 P.S. 香港人要加油自救

Cindy wong
