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在我的圈子,有不少國際關係學者群組,近來難得都在討論香港,不同觀點非常有趣。雖然國際學者大都明白港區國安法是徹底改造香港的行為,主流意見都覺得不能接受,但也有一些支持的學界聲音,除了中國內地學者,就是所謂「左膠」。以下來自《當中國統治世界》(When China Rules the World) 作者「左王」Martin Jacques的分享,尤其令人不安。

Martin Jacques 父母都是英國共產黨員,自己也曾加入英國共產黨,左翼反帝反殖立場一以貫之,twitter追蹤者包括大量「同路人」,例如《環球時報》主編胡錫進。在他眼中,中國依然在進行「反殖民」鬥爭,應該堅持不同西方的發展路線,而中國並非一般意義的國家,而是代表了一個文明體系,當西方文明沒落,更應該捍衛自己的文明,建構自己的價值觀,不要再被西方那一套支配。而根據上述邏輯,港區國安法自然是中國為香港「去殖民化」的關鍵一步,下一步才能實行「真正的一國兩制」。難怪他被視為中國人民老朋友,戰狼外交的始作俑者,思路比起胡錫進更「根正苗紅」。


1. Chinese govt never wanted to introduce national security legislation. It should have been done by the HK govt after the handover. It was part of the Basic Law. The HK govt failed so Beijing stepped in. Every country needs national security laws - the riots proved it […]

2. Is this the end of 1 country 2 systems? No. But it is the end of the era when UK/US could try and undermine it both from within and without. They never accepted Chinese sovereignty, seeking to undermine it, always criticising China. The riots were the high point. […]

3. This is a new era. Calm restored. A new HK based on 1 country 2 systems is now possible. HK will become less Western, Chinese cos more important. Its financial centre will thrive. HK will be essential for accessing China. HK will remain very different from China […]

4. Hitherto the Western criticism of China has been that it has eroded its rights. This has largely been nonsense. In fact the main problem has been China's failure to tackle the legacy of British colonial rule […]

5. HK still has a colonial-style economy that privileges the tycoons British rule created. They dominate the economy and above all the supply of land. HK's crazy property prices are not because it is densely populated but because the tycoons own and control the supply of land […]

6. HK needs major socio-economic reform on lines of China's economic transformation: competitive, innovative, broad-based. Damning indictment of UK legacy lies over border in Shenzhen, one of world's most dynamic cities, hugely innovative, rival to Silicon Valley,only 40 yrs old […]

7. HK's future lies not in looking westwards, to a stagnating and crisis-ridden UK, or to an America that is in free fall, but becoming part of the southern Chinese economy, probably the most dynamic in the world […]

8. British hypocrisy: 1 It stole Hong Kong from China in the Opium War which it fought in order to sell opium in China. A sordid episode in British colonial history 2 It governed HK for 155 years and never introduced any semblance of democracy. White Rule What about humility?

這樣的觀點,和早前談過的蘇哲安一樣,上崗上線、脫離現實、純粹fit into自己「理論框架」的程度,令人非常鄙視。但可以肯定的是,北京對這類「國際觀點」如獲至寶,出口轉內銷市場龐大,而有時候弄假成真,北京真的「參考」這類「國際學者」的意見來進一步改造香港,亦大有可能。


Source: Martin Jacques Twitter (https://twitter.com/martjacques/status/1280162544473255942)


Sunny Mak

係Twitter都常見好多激進左翼都信奉"East vs West"呢種二元對立式理論:將自己對社會既不滿歸咎於整個西方價值觀,再將好多希望投射於幻想出黎既「東方力量」之中(好多連中國都未去過)

Jon T

There’s a lot to unpack! A lot of the statement seemed to use part of the facts and distorted to suit his agendas. Very one sided argument that ignores the role of HK plays globally. Unsurprisingly he has an audience in the mainland, which rides on propaganda rather than a genuine discourse of facts.

Tang King Fai





The article epitomizes over-simplication and decontextualization

Vikki Wong




Thomas Leung

自由世界就容許不同見解不同論述,只要互相專重沒有一槌定音,什麼都可以講自由發揮便是了。 利申,我反共反專制。


🤮 On my block list now.



mak yiu cheung


ET Jasper

嘩,嘆為觀止!再次多謝沈教授令我眼界大開(although after pt 2, skip skip skip ... 到都係唔好讀咁多書 🤣🤣



Dennis Ng

The fundamental is that is there any humanity in the Left? Is Chinese be trusted with any human? Is being Left meant connectionist and less concern with the point being connected? You just have the social part and not the individual part. Now just like the right, many Left are onto human rights, social justice, ... The need of the right is that individual goes first. It sometimes helps to clear your mind. Then you may be a better Left. There is humanity in the Left. After all, they are human too. We are human too.

salt water

我冇時間睇及冇錢買佢嗰本《when china rules the world》,但好奇想知佢個conclusion係乜嘢? 佢描繪/預期未來中國統治世界的景況如何? 定係本書其實唔係講書名呢樣嘢?

Amy Wong

Tweet已經有人叫佢go live in China, I just can't agree more lol

Victoria Van

呢個所謂學者, 究竟知唔知中國 同 香港 發生緊咩事 ?

Crimson Katana




Emily Tam

中共只是選合胃口的書來讀及套用。 從來不是從知識中建立批判性,係選取知識鞏固自己的價值

Gordon Wong



多謝你這些相反觀點。 表面看,如果假定西方所有一套完全evil, 咁不擇手段咁係香港連根拔起都可以justified。問題係中共並唔係咩大好人, 做事手段亦令人乍舌( 粗暴強加國安法 ,高鐵站捉人事件)。 反而我個人認為中共最需要外間嘅反制約束而唔係縱容無限權力。