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瑪琳勒龐是篤定要下屆選總統的,如果國民陣線成為第一大黨,國民陣線推出的總理人選會是年僅28歲的黨主席、瑪琳勒龐「契仔」 Jordan Bardella,他是一個會為了瑪琳勒龐而選擇專注政治、情願從法國第一名校索邦大學輟學的人。馬克龍當選總統時39歲,一直以青年才俊形象示人,但現年已經46歲,和28歲的國民陣線「小鮮肉」相比,卻當堂變成上一代人,屆時兩人的「同居」政治,可能非常戲劇性。 




▶️ 陳偉信博士:法國總統馬克龍訪華公關災難:「戴高樂主義」等同「反美主義」嗎?(上)



James Green


George (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-18 10:07:53 Is Macron a failed gambler or a great strategist? His move is a high-stakes game that risks plunging France into chaos, and no one knows how it’s going to play out. Many experts believe that Macron's decision to call a snap election amounts to potentially handing the reins of one of the leading countries in the EU to the far-right. Worse yet for left-wing camps in France and the EU as a whole, this sort of ideology shift within voters could trigger a ripple effect that could inspire far-right opposition parties across its domain, not least in Germany, and provide them with an impetus to learn from Marine Le Pen’s model of transformation into “neo-far-right” in order to gradually gain public approval. On the contrary, Macron seems to be calculating that the harsh economic climate, tense geopolitical circumstances, and the challenges of being in office will expose the inadequacies of Le Pen's National Rally (RN) – a party adorned with slogans, driven by protest and prejudice, and lacking in governance experience. His bold bet aims to raise public awareness of this “imminent danger.” Sooner or later Macron has to seek to prevent what had begun to appear unavoidable: a Le Pen victory in the presidential election three years later, leading to an uncertain and potentially risky path forward. Yet time is running very short for the month-end election and Macron is going against the tide of public opinion. Some polls show that his party, Renaissance, with only a 19% vote share, is trailing far behind the RN at 32-35%, with the second placed New Popular Front at approximately 25-26%. If fortune smiles upon him, Macron will seize the opportunity to present himself as a vindicated hero who fearlessly drew a line, thwarted the encroaching forces of darkness at a crucial juncture, and rescued France from its own peril — a public image he is eager to tout, much like many politicians who overstate their role as saviors but have a causal relationship with the facts. Perhaps Macron’s slogan in this election is “too critical to fail,” with a strategy of giving little time for French voters to choose the lesser of two evils. When the irreconcilable finally bow to the inevitable, I wonder whether his concession speech would contain a hint of contrition or a murmur of recognition that he is the architect of setbacks, some of his own making.
2024-06-18 10:07:53 Is Macron a failed gambler or a great strategist? His move is a high-stakes game that risks plunging France into chaos, and no one knows how it’s going to play out. Many experts believe that Macron's decision to call a snap election amounts to potentially handing the reins of one of the leading countries in the EU to the far-right. Worse yet for left-wing camps in France and the EU as a whole, this sort of ideology shift within voters could trigger a ripple effect that could inspire far-right opposition parties across its domain, not least in Germany, and provide them with an impetus to learn from Marine Le Pen’s model of transformation into “neo-far-right” in order to gradually gain public approval. On the contrary, Macron seems to be calculating that the harsh economic climate, tense geopolitical circumstances, and the challenges of being in office will expose the inadequacies of Le Pen's National Rally (RN) – a party adorned with slogans, driven by protest and prejudice, and lacking in governance experience. His bold bet aims to raise public awareness of this “imminent danger.” Sooner or later Macron has to seek to prevent what had begun to appear unavoidable: a Le Pen victory in the presidential election three years later, leading to an uncertain and potentially risky path forward. Yet time is running very short for the month-end election and Macron is going against the tide of public opinion. Some polls show that his party, Renaissance, with only a 19% vote share, is trailing far behind the RN at 32-35%, with the second placed New Popular Front at approximately 25-26%. If fortune smiles upon him, Macron will seize the opportunity to present himself as a vindicated hero who fearlessly drew a line, thwarted the encroaching forces of darkness at a crucial juncture, and rescued France from its own peril — a public image he is eager to tout, much like many politicians who overstate their role as saviors and have a causal relationship with the facts. Perhaps Macron’s slogan in this election is “too critical to fail,” with a strategy of giving little time for French voters to choose the lesser of two evils. When the irreconcilable finally bow to the inevitable, I wonder whether his concession speech would contain a hint of contrition or a murmur of recognition that he is the architect of setbacks, some of his own making.
2024-06-17 02:26:01 Is Macron a failed gambler or a great strategist? His move is a high-stakes game that risks plunging France into chaos, and no one knows how it’s going to play out. Many experts believe that Macron's decision to call a snap election amounts to potentially handing the reins of one of the leading countries in the EU to the far-right. Worse yet for left-wing camps in France and the EU as a whole, this sort of ideology shift within voters could trigger a ripple effect inspiring far-right opposition parties across their domains, not least in Germany, and provide them with an impetus to learn from Marine Le Pen’s model of transformation into a “neo-far-right” party in order to gradually gain public approval. On the contrary, Macron seems to be calculating that the harsh economic climate, tense geopolitical circumstances, and the challenges of being in office will expose the inadequacies of Le Pen's National Rally (RN) – a party adorned with slogans, driven by protest and prejudice, and lacking in governance experience. His bold bet aims to raise public awareness of this “imminent danger.” Sooner or later Macron has to seek to prevent what had begun to appear unavoidable: a Le Pen victory in the presidential election three years later, leading to an uncertain and potentially risky path forward. Yet time is running very short for the month-end election and Macron is going against the tide of public opinion. Some polls show that his party, Renaissance, with only a 19% vote share, is trailing far behind the RN at 32-35%, with the second placed New Popular Front at approximately 25-26%. If fortune smiles upon him, Macron will seize the opportunity to present himself as a vindicated hero who fearlessly drew a line, thwarted the encroaching forces of darkness at a crucial juncture, and rescued France from its own peril — a public image he is eager to tout, much like many politicians who overstate their role as saviors but have a causal relationship with the facts. Perhaps Macron’s slogan in this election is “too critical to fail,” with a strategy of giving little time for French voters to choose the lesser of two evils. When the irreconcilable finally bow to the inevitable, I wonder whether his concession speech would contain a hint of contrition or a murmur of recognition that he is the architect of setbacks, some of his own making.

Is Macron a failed gambler or a great strategist? His move is a high-stakes game that risks plunging France into chaos, and no one knows how it’s going to play out. Many experts believe that Macron's decision to call a snap election amounts to potentially handing the reins of one of the leading countries in the EU to the far-right. Worse yet for left-wing camps in France and the EU as a whole, this sort of ideology shift within voters could trigger a ripple effect inspiring far-right opposition parties across their domains, not least in Germany, and provide them with an impetus to learn from Marine Le Pen’s model of transformation into a “neo-far-right” party in order to gradually gain public approval. On the contrary, Macron seems to be calculating that the harsh economic climate, tense geopolitical circumstances, and the challenges of being in office will expose the inadequacies of Le Pen's National Rally (RN) – a party adorned with slogans, driven by protest and prejudice, and lacking in governance experience. His bold bet aims to raise public awareness of this “imminent danger.” Sooner or later Macron has to seek to prevent what had begun to appear unavoidable: a Le Pen victory in the presidential election three years later, leading to an uncertain and potentially risky path forward. Yet time is running very short for the month-end election and Macron is going against the tide of public opinion. Some polls show that his party, Renaissance, with only a 19% vote share, is trailing far behind the RN at 32-35%, with the second placed New Popular Front at approximately 25-26%. If fortune smiles upon him, Macron will seize the opportunity to present himself as a vindicated hero who fearlessly drew a line, thwarted the encroaching forces of darkness at a crucial juncture, and rescued France from its own peril — a public image he is eager to tout, much like many politicians who overstate their role as saviors but have a causal relationship with the facts. Perhaps Macron’s slogan in this election is “too critical to fail,” with a strategy of giving little time for French voters to choose the lesser of two evils. When the irreconcilable finally bow to the inevitable, I wonder whether his concession speech would contain a hint of contrition or a murmur of recognition that he is the architect of setbacks, some of his own making.

