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這些年來,外媒預測的伊朗最高精神領袖爭奪戰的第二熱門,名叫Mojtaba Khamenei。是不是有點熟悉?沒錯,他就是哈梅內伊的兒子。

▶️ 伊朗總統直升機意外死亡,會帶來中東巨變嗎?




The potential succession of Mojtaba Khamenei, the son of Ali Khamenei, largely hinges on finding a pliable next president who can garner support from the country's power brokers, such as the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, similar to Ebrahim Raisi, thereby mitigating potential complications and risks of coup from power transition. Apart from that, some experts in the interview by the WSJ (https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/iran-khamenei-son-raisi-death-dba3580f?st=sc3t13z2udh6h3u&reflink=article_copyURL_share ) consider the likelihood of picking Mojtaba Khamenei as the supreme leader to be unlikely for several reasons. First, Mojtaba Khamenei lacks certain qualities that are traditionally expected of a supreme leader, including the necessary religious credentials and executive experience. Second, both Ali Khamenei and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, rejected the idea of passing power to one's own child as it was viewed as un-Islamic and reminiscent of a monarchy. While Mojtaba Khamenei possesses an unparalleled network within the regime due to his decades-long experience in the corridors of power, appointing him as the successor could potentially undermine Khamenei's legacy by reintroducing a monarchical system. Experts suggest that Mojtaba Khamenei's power may be at risk once his father passes away and that he may fare better by remaining in the shadows. Historical precedent supports this notion, as demonstrated by the case of Ahmad Khomeini, the son of the first supreme leader Ruhollah Khomeini. Ahmad held significant authority as his chief of staff and was more powerful than Mojtaba Khamenei is today. He played a significant role and made strong anti-American statements during the Iran hostage crisis. Yet he fell out with Ali Khamenei and then-president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani following his father's death in 1989. Ahmad Khomeini died in 1995 at the age of 49, reportedly due to cardiac arrest.

Good Year

太子, 一個做又死, 唔做又死, 有又死, 無又死既身份, 細看中外歷史長河, 太子重來都不易

堅離地書院 College

Logically yes, but that really depends on the sense of insecurity of the inner circle. And there're always possibilities of coups.