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第一部電影名叫《I Am a Noise》,是美國民歌女王 Joan Baez 的傳奇紀錄片,而她是我的叔父們在外國讀書時的時代偶像;另一部名叫《Dance First》,講述愛爾蘭裔的諾貝爾文學獎得主 Samuel Beckett 的故事。

一個唱民歌成名,另一個是荒誕派戲劇大師,屬於不同範疇,但其實他們之間的距離可以很近:Joan Baez 在六十年代與另一位音樂人 Bob Dylan 在民權運動齊名,二人更曾蜜運,而沒有多少人想到 Bob Dylan 居然最終也和 Samuel Beckett 一樣,得到諾貝爾文學獎。至於 Samuel Beckett 的作品以艱澀著稱,本人給人的印象是非常離地、不食人間煙火,但原來他在二戰期間,居然也加入過法國的抵抗運動,比 Joan Baez 冒的生命危險更大。

我對文學完全是門外漢,Samuel Beckett 的作品除了成名劇作《等待果陀》,幾乎都沒有聽過,而《等待果陀》也是停留在如雷貫耳的階段,始終未有機會現場觀賞。我對這個名字產生深刻印象,源自到愛爾蘭都柏林參觀之後,當地非常重視文學家,有一整座文學館介紹愛爾蘭的傑出作家,Samuel Beckett 作為諾貝爾文學獎得主,自然被重點推介。不過文學館入面佔最殿堂級地位的,還是沒有得過諾貝爾獎的 James Joyce,他在《Dance First》也有出場,銅像在都柏林依然在鬧市當眼處聳立。

電影塑造的 Samuel Beckett 彷彿一生都在出世與入世之間打轉。他一方面很討厭母親從小到大非常壓迫嚴厲的教學,但其實也是深愛母親,乃至依稀有一種戀母 / 殺母情結。他一方面視諾貝爾獎為一大枷鎖,討厭私生活從此被騷擾,但同時他的太太是一個非常精打細算的人,知道怎樣待價而沽,才可以維持一個作家家庭的體面生活。他的作品抗拒白描和直接參與,但偏偏納粹的暴行令他不惜走到最前線,甚至要用最 blunt 的方式持槍待敵。相信對文學迷而言,看見這位大師有如此貼地的一面,也許會十分驚訝。

Joan Baez 的故事,相信大家要耳熟能詳得多。廣為人知的是她以唱反戰歌曲成名,是六十年代民權運動最著名icons 之一,和馬丁路德金等等有私交,而且與 Bob Dylan 不同,基本上終身處於左翼非暴力和平運動的最前線,到了八十多歲的今天,都沒有放棄。不過這部紀錄片也剖白了她的幾個心結(或妥協)。例如她雖然強調只喜歡唱歌,同時也從小有政治啟蒙,不過年輕時的「赤腳聖母」形象,無疑是非常成功的 marketing,其實也是非常商品化。到了越戰結束之後,她坦言「所有左翼人士都不知道幹甚麼好」,彷彿人生失去目標,其實暗示了這個陣營多少也有存在危機,有時候只是「為做而做」。她一生人最成功的歌曲《Diamonds and Rust》,偏偏是這時候推出的非政治歌,也見諷刺。


▶️ 那些年的偶像,那些年的心情:Dionne Warwick,Joan Baez 與 Samuel Beckett




In addition to his famous play “Waiting for Godot,” Samuel Beckett's “The Beckett Trilogy” consists of three novels: “Molloy,” “Malone Dies,” and “The Unnamable.” These works are widely regarded as some of Beckett's most important and influential contributions to literature. The trilogy is characterized by its experimental narrative style, fragmented structure, and exploration of themes such as identity, existence, language, and the limits of human consciousness. Each novel in the trilogy stands on its own but shares common themes and stylistic elements. Beckett's trilogy delves into the concepts of memory and time. Characters' recollections are unreliable and fragmented, blurring the boundaries between past, present, and future. Time stretches and distorts, contributing to a sense of disorientation and the characters' alienation from the world. The trilogy is known for its challenging and complex nature, often posing difficulties for readers to fully grasp. Beckett's experimental writing style, characterized by stream-of-consciousness narration, minimalism, repetition, and unreliable narrators, creates a sense of ambiguity and disorientation. The fragmented structure and lack of conventional plot development in the Beckett Trilogy have foiled many readers, including myself, who attempt to follow its highly nonlinear narrative without consulting supplementary guides. Beckett's storytelling style, shrouded in obscurity, bears similarities to Christopher Nolan's film “Tenet,” where characters navigate backward through time and grapple with connections to a future attack on the present.

Elaine Yip

多年來有不少名人烈士為了提醒大眾愛好和平或走在前線抗戰, 但一直以來世上紛爭不休, 好像預告人類的命運總是重複著近似的歷史錯誤中, 輾轉不息 ...