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關於伊朗發動300架無人機和導彈空襲以色列一事,在《軍武器研》Larry 的對談以外,更重要的是前瞻未來。究竟以色列會如何回應?

首先,伊朗這次進攻雖然有所克制,避免襲擊以色列民居,也沒有隱瞞襲擊意圖,讓以色列可以充份準備,同時又沒有動用十大 proxies 「晒冷」聯合進攻,但依然是非常重要的地緣政治突破。


相比下,伊朗這次將國內可以射到以色列的導彈大幅損耗,這是有成本的,而且襲擊以色列軍事設施也略有成功,根據以色列慣例,不可能不還擊。在1990年,其實以色列也制定了還擊伊拉克的方案,不過當時美國總統老布殊還有能力制止。然而現在換了拜登 Vs 內塔尼亞胡,而內塔尼亞胡身旁還有更激進的鷹派,要以色列毫無回應,就近乎不可能。


1. 空襲伊朗境內的疑似核設施,反正出師有名,其他國家也樂觀其成;

2. 暗殺伊朗最高領袖、軍事領袖,就像特朗普暗殺伊朗二號人物兼聖城旅領袖蘇雷曼尼那樣;

3. 對伊朗發動電子戰,癱瘓伊朗網絡;

4. 攻擊伊朗其他 proxies 的戰略據點,例如真主黨、敘利亞阿薩德政權、也門胡塞武裝根據地等。



在這樣的情況下,雙方就算不是刻意「養寇自重」,也不可能不知道以上客觀事實,那他們會怎做,就變得不難想像。所以起碼在目前情況,中東爆發大戰的機會很低,直到伊朗十大 proxies 真的坐大,結構才會被打破,屆時才重新計算吧。

▶️ 隱形地下帝國:伊朗埋伏在世界各國的十大境外軍團,究竟能量有多大?




Israel and Iran have been engaged in a protracted “shadow war” over the decades, employing proxies, covert operations, and clandestine missions as means of conflict. The recent drone and missile attack by Iran, however, has opened the door to direct confrontation that may have reconfigured the intertwined and byzantine landscape in the Middle East. To anticipate Israel's likely response to Iran's attack, if I were in Netanyahu’s shoes, I would take the Arab perspective into consideration when formulating the strategy. In an era characterized by waning trust in the US, Israel emerges as a pivotal player in the Middle East, offering two compelling attributes that can resonate with Sunni-dominated Arab countries. First, Israel perceives the collective struggle against Iran as an integral part of its own fight for survival, driven by necessity rather than mere choice. This unwavering commitment stands in stark contrast to the inconsistent policies of the US, which has vacillated between support and criticism of Israel. Second, Israel's combination of strength and unwavering determination is viewed as indispensable in countering Iran's ambitions. Having Israel embroiled in a controlled and tit-for-tat confrontation could be a powerful pin to stop Iran from putting more resources and efforts to expand its influence in other regions of the Middle East. This move could intensify the Israel-Iran conflict and make it more fierce, while potentially easing tensions in other conflict zones. The only remaining question is how to contain the conflict, as well as Netanyahu’s ambitions, within a manageable scale. While liberal sentiment in the US has been preoccupied with condemning Israel’s military actions in Gaza that may jeopardize prospects for Arab-Israeli collaboration, Jordan and Saudi Arabia have swiftly come to Israel's defense in the face of Iranian aggression. Arab countries are well aware that Israel has long faced significant threats from Iran and its proxies in the region. Netanyahu knows that Israel’s absence would gravely disrupt the balance of power in the region. And yet, he cannot have his cake and eat it. Though political calculations often belittle and contradict humanitarian concerns, deviating from a resolute stance against this threat—as advocated by some American liberal politicians—would be a strategic misstep, alienating potential allies in the Middle East and undermining Israel's ability to effectively counter Iran's influence. Therefore, Israel's prudent course of action lies in maintaining its current approach, which has garnered support from key Arab nations and positioned it as a vital partner in the region. Overstating the threat of Iran's ambitions can serve as a means of deflecting political pressure and rallying support within Israel. By presenting Iran as an imminent danger, Netanyahu aims to foster cohesion and unity against an external foe. Any overreaction by Iran that leads to a grave situation may inadvertently accelerate the normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia. This is a long-sought prize for Netanyahu’s political career, which is stained with his scandals, and a significant milestone for Israel. From both regional and domestic viewpoints, I see no way of return for Netanyahu's aggressive strategy. We just wait and see to what extent.

堅離地書院 College

It's the first major direct attack of Iran on Israeli soil anyway, and that is crucial. Previously they never responded to similar Israeli operations. And there's still a nuclear option for Iran.


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