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// Many happenings in HK and the mainland have been running through my head of late. I find there’re many parallels with an incident called the Sorcery Scare (also known as the “soulstealers” coined by Harvard historian Philip Kuhn) under the reign of Qianlong Emperor: a tyrant’s endless nervousness about any potential threat against his authoritarian rule, mass hysteria, social tensions, the relationship between centralized power and local bureaucrats, and the inner mechanism of an totalitarian regime. The Emperor’s political sense, though full of confidence in his ruling, construed clipping off a single strand of people’s queues as a clandestine plot to overthrow his regime. To show their loyalty, or more accurately, their KPIs, many bureaucrats resorted to torture in order to extract forced confessions, which further reinforced the Emperor's conviction.   

Isn’t this exactly happening now in HK and mainland bureaucracies? The Q&A during the HK security bill readings and government spinning, the absurd criticisms leveled at Mo Yan, Nongfu Spring, and Tsinghua University, among many others. The only exception is today’s emperor has a heightened sense of paranoia and insecurity, suspecting that everyone—even handpicked subordinates and one-time intimates—is potentially going to mount a coup.   

He also has fears multifold more than that of the Qianlong Emperor, not only guarding against conceivable internal rebellious forces but also cracking down on many external foes that refuse to submit to his self-established norms and rules. As a result, a basket of loyal waste is electrified by this far-left trend, jumping on the bandwagon and further undermining our city in the name of national security for their own interests. // 

美國漢學家孔飛力 (Philip Alden Kuhn,1933-2016) 的經典名著《叫魂:1768年中國妖術大恐慌》,重構了中國上一個盛世的一件偶發危機,設想發生在今天的中國或美國,當令人有相當啟示。










▶️ 湯家驊的國民教育:中國五千年來沒有侵略任何國家?




One major difference in the form of oppression is that those in the period of Qianlong were with one leader at the top and a rigid hierarchy of oppression flowing downward. In contrast, most political movements after 1949 were sometimes carried out the other way around, adopting an inverted pyramid hierarchy. People in lower classes were granted the tacit right to express their grievances towards individuals with political privileges or great amounts of wealth. Big brother showed an intention of firing a warning shot across the bows of everyone—regardless of their position or social class—signaling that everything they own was given by him and can be taken back whenever necessary, especially when their loyalty is in doubt: loyalty that is not absolute is absolutely disloyal (忠誠不絕對就是絕對不忠誠), as proposed by a CCP member. Nowadays, thanks to strict watertight control over social media, the influence of hundreds of millions of netizens is at the Party’s disposal for political ends. As stated by Dr. Shen, the conviction of “soulstealers” reflects the psychology and the feeling among local bureaucrats and lower classes. Amidst hardships in life, they found solace in expressing bitterness by persecuting marginalized groups of the grassroots. Under the reign of the CCP, however, “the philosophy of contradiction” (矛盾論) was applied to the entire society, and thus the form of oppression was more like a closed loop, first from top to bottom, and then abruptly from bottom to top. A long-simmering, deep resentment among the lower classes could be unleashed in most extreme violence and brutality against those who had once abused them when the opportunity arose. These had happened time after time over the decades in a wave of violent political movements. HK may have completed the first part of the cycle. Will the second part be due to occur? Which incompetent foremen will be given a big “X” on his/her face by the Chairman?

堅離地書院 College

The interesting point is that the emperor seemed to be sober. Never really believed in soulstealers. But the current one does.