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Hello Beautiful,

I know! It's a goofy name, but this got stuck in my head and I couldn't think of a better one.

Anyway, this one is based off of a suggestion from this month's content poll.

I wasn't planning on making it this long, but I wanted to build the tension so here we are.

This one's about two best friends (because I love childhood friend tropes) who happen to have a casual sexual relationship.

These besties also happen to make a fun little bet on who's gonna beg for sex first after spending two weeks apart. As besties do.

There's tons of teasing in many a locale and climaxes, pun intended, in some good old fashioned over stimming.

There's also some shades of size kink/physical overpowering.

So! If that's your kind of thing, then I think you'll like this audio.

Also, I feel like my Canadian accent came out stronger than intended on some parts, so if you're into that then I think you'll like this audio.

Have A Competition With You Soon,




the “tell me you love me” has not left my mind for dayssss 😩😭

angel ☆

i think the most canadian part of this whole thing is the idea that you can just DRIVE to alaska???