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Hello Hello!

So, I was planning on doing a ramblefap this month based around me using a new toy I just bought (the lovense max 2) and though I'm still doing more testing to see if I enjoy the sound of it, I wanted to pose a quick query for you.

I'm not sure if you're familiar with System Shock or the main antagonist of the series Shodan, but they have some very very nice lines. 

Particularly if you have a masochistic streak to you.

So I was planning on taking some of my favourite Shodan lines and then reading them out as I zherked myself off for your enjoyment.

And while I found many  that I enjoyed, I'm just not sure if there's enough there to get a fully fleshed out ramblefap without a lot of repeating.

All this to say, I'm here to ask you, yes you specifically, if you have any quotes from any sort of media that particularly does it for you. 

It doesn't have to be from a video game, nor does it have to be a sentient AI like Shodan calling you an insect.

I can't promise I'll get all of them in, but I'll try to fit in as many as are appropriate.

I understand this might make someone feel a little bashful to air out particular quotes that hit that spot for them; so in the interest of honesty and openness, I'll share the line that made me think of doing this type of ramblefap in the first place.

You move like an insect. 

You think like an insect. 

You are an insect.

There is another... who can serve my purpose. 

Take care not to fall too far out of my favor



“if you find it hard to swallow, i can loosen up your collar because as long as you’re still breathing don’t you even think of leaving” (sometimes billie eilish lyrics are /real/ good lol)


“You look like a fuckable cut of meat, are you?” that line from cyberpunk had been engraved in my brain for about a year now.