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First and foremost, I have to mention that my neighbor got a very loud AC unit that vibrates my ceiling all through the night. 

I tried my best to edit it out but if you hear a low hum or some parts sound a little wonky, that's the reason. 

Sorry, but this should only be an issue until I move in August.


Hello Hello!

I often get requests for more ramblefaps. And I usually do one ever month/every other month.

As I've said before, I feel a little guilty doing ramblefaps if they're not long and have some over arching topic that I ramble on about.

So, to mitigate that guilt, I present to you another suite. This time, a ramblesuite of sorts.

Please enjoy.


1. Good.Great.Perfect. [Praise] 

Classic Praise ramblefap.

2. You Must Watch, But You Can't Touch. [MDom][Teasing][Watching Me Masturbate][Thigh Riding] 

The listener has been bad and thus must be punished.

3. Listening To Your Roommate Through The Wall [Roommate][Voyeur] 

Essentially, you and your long time roommate move into a new apartment...and the walls? They're a little thin.

This ones a little different than the other ramblefaps I've done. However, it's very interesting to me and I might dabble doing something similar to this effect for a regular roleplay. I tried to capture the sound of listening to someone through a wall so some parts might be a little harder to hear than others. I haven't done it enough to strike a good balance between realism and ease of listening yet on this effect. Let me know what you think.

4. Long Time Edger, First Time Overstimmer. [Edging][Overstimulation]

I've never really experienced a ton of overstimming in my time. Certainly never doing it to myself.

So...you'll have to excuse the sounds that came out of my mouth for this one.

5. The Pogfap [Shitpost] [XXXtreme Cringe Warning]

I made this under a borderline heatstroke induced delirium. I wanted to make it longer but my brain was turning into pure mush. As stated above, an XXXtreme cringe warning is in effect. Listen at your own risk.

Please Enjoy,




The chorus at the end…💀 top tier


#5 deserves some kind of award. That was unhinged in the best way