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We have a winner!  Time for Yusuke to power up!


yuyu 13.m4v

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I'll repeat it, "Don't do drugs!" Get that algae out of your ears--unless it helps deter a demon hunting you! 🤭

Jesse Prevallet

I really like this kuwabara motivational moment, their friendship is so dope and real to me. How do you get a rowdy hotshot who doesn't care about anything to actually give it his all? You just get his rival to troll him 'to give up and die with your tail between your legs you wuss, youre such a freaking disgrace and that I the great kuwabara could do your job better than you and youre a wimp and an idiot and imma laugh in your face.' Works, every, time. Boys are so stupid.

Jesse Prevallet

'laying back on the ground unable to hear anything while the world is spinning and there is a demon chanting at you' is actually a pretty good description of my sophomore year in college