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g gundam 1.m4v

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Jesse Prevallet

Pizzaboarding is the most effective 'advanced interrogation technique' humanity has developed. This was a surprisingly fun reaction for me. King of Hearts like omg i totally forgot about that! I legit member this OP exactly, I love when kyojins request oldies. Grew up with gundam wing, seed, and g gundam, i member liking this one the most bc well, it's GUNDAM - THE TOURNEY ARC! def should give you guys that gurren lagann energy and motivation just a lil more grounded and tame. I member the way they use the earth as a battleground and all the innocent people that were hurt by their fights and the destruction the upper class caused to the planet be a theme that really landed with me as a kid. Also I member having a crush on Rain.. :blush: Also the Shining Gundam is the most iconic amirite?