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23-14 jojo bt p .m4v

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Darren Banks

You can see in real time Ash’s mood change 😭 I get what ash is saying, but at the same time, it’s an issue that is multilayered, as the chivalrous thing to do in that situation is for Jojo to fight first. The Kars discriminatory undertones were to be expected, considering how old he is, but, in defense of Jojo, this part was written in 1988, based in 1938-1939… a common belief was that women, strong or meek, were not meant to be in battle with men. The series eases up on this premise as we scroll through time much like actual history, but there is a legitimate argument to be made that Lisa Lisa was done dirty during the fight. To not get an opportunity to place a single strategic attack on Kars in a fight that had been hyped across multiple chapters/episodes was kinda trash.

Jesse Prevallet

Ashe givin the real talk tho it was disrespectful of the show to do LisaLisa' fight so short and with such a Big L, especially since she be a hamon master I dont like how she went down like this but it is what it is. Shonen do their female characters dirty sometimes


Yes! all the old ass shows and adaptation have that mindset but newer series keep that in mind and give female characters equal chances. For example: Jujutsu kaisen...


I get where Ash is coming from and I too have thought the exact same watching part 2! But I think Araki later realizes the mistake he made by making too many male characters. You will see him change hi approach later on.