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This is the episode where I finally was able to make some sense of how Askeladd can be so thoughtful sometimes, and yet be an absolute scumbag on other occasions. As much as Askeladd doesn't care for Christianity, he sure seems to believe in the idea of original sin; calling everyone filthy, dirty, and greedy. But his saving grace is that he is willing to commit heinous actions, like slaughtering an entire village comprised of civilians, if it can bring to fruition this mythical figure of Artorius who will save humanity. I can't say the same for Bjorn, who deserved a death a lot more painful than how he eventually went out. What was his excuse for slaughtering civilians. "I killed everyone because Askeladd told me to, Derp". An absolutely vile character, through and through. He did all that just for Askeladd's friendship, when in fact that friendship was in name only. Bjorn wasn't shown to share Askeladd's philosophy in any shape or form. Quite frankly, he didn't know a single thing of import about Askeladd. Askeladd said that Bjorn was his only friend, but to me it looked like Bjorn was Askeladd's devotee. As good as this show has been so far, I found the Bjorn character to be poorly written. I don't think the author did as good of a job with fleshing out Bjorn as he has with the other major characters of the show. I was surprised when I saw people were shedding tears for someone like him. It had to have been the background music, which was top tier.


Great points! I feel personally the tears came more so for Askeladd putting his only friend down. The whole exchange was just sad/meaningful.

Jesse Prevallet

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