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S4 trailer.m4v

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Mario Gallardo

LETS FUCKING GOOO! BEEN hyped since the trailer first dropped, and even more so now after watching y’all react to it. Can’t wait 🙏🏽


You guys are so fun to watch, love your reactions and discussions. Cant wait to see your reaction to this last season. After this season AoT will fursure go down as one of, if not the best anime.


LOL everyone calls it silver surfer titan. Also im surprised you only watched it 2 times i watched it atleast 25 times maybe even more




“He has a brain and a heart you knoo {Reiner}. Lmao. Its interesting because two of you feel bad for reiner and you only saw our side. So imagine now. Now picture this. You’re going to see eldians from marley just as heroic and brave as our bois. They just believe a different philosophy. I personally love my marley warriors. Porco is my fave ( dude with the swaggy jacket) And Gabi being a little shit is hilarious to me


I feel stash. It must be so hard to not say certain things. I just got my sister to Riener and Bertholdt betrayal. She wanted to throw up she was shook. This final season is gonna be intense and I know you will appreciate the developments and direction it takes. Joey I know you will love the new titan it's insane. For ash, don't worry all your questions you've had since the betrayals will be answered. Spoliers maybe? For stash, I hope these last 2-3 chapters end well cuz it is just so good I want to have a satisfying ending. Plus I love when I see that moment where a "re-watcher" realizes something. I've had so many of those moments in this series. Overall love y'alls reactions and good call to not look to close at this trailer cuz it does spoil some things. It shows so much including Armins titan but its like 1/10th of a second. Spoilers for sure below. I saw you try so hard but you let that slip where the cart titan is a girl😂

Rashad T

WIT played a role in MAPPA being their successor. And even though MAPPA is handling the overall production. They still brought back a lot of staff that worked on previous seasons under WIT Studio.