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BOLDcast Avatar The Last Airbender Book 2 Ep 14 UNCUT REACTION!


Lennart Denker

I thought the point that carson made about the post 9/11 mentality was interesting. Though I could be completely wrong about this I actually always thought of the manipulation of the Earth King and the information controll within the Walls of Ba Sing Se as somewhat of a nod on how China has been dealing with Cencorship, propaganda and citizen surveillance etc. Ofc you can also just look at it that way from a visual standpoint with the Earth King's palace looking eerily like the real life tian anmen square. But I think just like Carson's take wtih a very different interpretation it shows that the creators obviously tried to make it ambiguous to which government or what kind government exactly they tried to criticize here. Very good stuff. And its not overly explicit or too much in your face but just enough to make you think. I also like the implication they give that Long Feng being obviously a very authoritarian figure to the point that you could argue that he actually is the real King of the earth Kingdom by manipulating the King ( who they present as such ) and withholding information and keeping him oblivious. Another great parallel to modern politics like how certain people in the background manipulate the politicians we see in the news who are posing as the real leaders but are actually just puppets used by people who hold the real power. I know I am probably way too much in speculation territory right now and I don't know how much these ideas were actually intended by the creators; but its fun to think about lol


Some kids shows touch on complex subjects, like Steven Universe. That was a more modern, recent show, and it touches on the topics of forgiveness, not forgiving, PTSD and not running away, etc etc. I definitely agree, they've become diamonds in the rough, Teen Titans becoming Teen Titans Go is so sad, the loss of shows like Danny Phantom and Fairly Odd Parents is devastating, truly. "At least you can watch people reacting to the show you love" not Carson calling me out for watching like three or four channels react to Avatar this year alone 😭