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Hey all, I know I'm late to the party by a few days. I'd spend the last 2 weeks with my family who I hadn't been able to see for the whole year with world events being as they are. But I'm back now, and want to thank you for sticking around. With 2020 over though I'd like to look back at some of my favourite pieces and projects from the year :)

Starting with De-Jeweled~, I loved workin on this with Nagoshi through the first month of this year for a funny little comic. My favourite page is probably the one where they're going into critical because of how silly it was. The ending was also pretty cute in my opinion with happy dragon parents.

Collared! A commissioned piece from wandr, while it's not my typical work and more dark then I ever usually go with my work, think it came out well. Not sure if I'd touch topics like this again in the future. Or at least not make it so dark.

Animality: Farming involved. I was going to originally have this as a comic than a sequence, but I kind of fizzled out. I have a slight habit of wanting to produce these large overarching stories, in this case the vegans had won, animals were released back to the wild and most farm animals ended up slaughtered in the wilds. So now humanity's been turned to genetic manipulation to produce the old goods. Some people disgusted by it ofc but exploring a world where animal and human modification could be considered a job just laying eggs lol. Ah well...

Horsin around! Another fantastic comic I enjoyed working on. So much that I may have given a few free pages just to do that one face anyone who's read the comic knows about. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth ;)

Good 'boy'. Hehe, so you might've noticed this guy showing up with another individual over the past few months, well, there's a reason for that.  I'm in a relationship with them and have just been doing the odd bit here and there for me and him. This one I think being one of the best cause I gave him such a cutely submissive appearance as his tongue lolled out haha. Appropriate for them to be honest :P

The witching hours. I run a D&D game, this is one of my players' characters who have a very unfortunate situation, in that after being blessed by a dragon and some demon blood (the abashi kind) getting all over them, there were some... side effects... Which may it currently being abused by a villain turned good guy for entertaining purposes ;)

And finally, Dragon breeding. It was the first time I'd made an illustration with two sets of the same people in a single scenario, and I think I pulled it off rather well despite the handicap I had at the time of being limited to my intuos type device (I usually draw on a screen tablet). It was also pretty nice to work with maku again.

Onto the Plans for the coming year though.
It's the final year for me in university so in 6 months I'm done. After which I'm free to do as I please. And I was thinking of trying out my hand at actually making that webcomic I find myself constantly wanting to do, a huge planning for it made, and then promptly leave. I don't know if I'll actually achieve it or if this'll just be another year of making other comics, which don't get me wrong I'm fine with, I love drawing comics and the pay's good. I just find myself too concerned about the payment haha.
I'll divulge more information on the projects in the future perhaps. Once university's finished. But there's definitely plenty to do and be done this year.

Thank you for being here with me :)



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