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Azeru here~!

I just wanted to make this little announcement to let you know that there is a Fully Anonymous Suggestions Form [ https://forms.gle/SCBSwHRzAZ7HsmeT7 ] available~!

This is a little test for now to see if it's better to do polls on Patreon or use Google Forms to get more indepth feedback!

Polls allow me to have better reach and easier feedback- after all it's much easier to vote on a poll than it is to open a Google Forms link and fill out the stuff. But if I use forms, it'll allow me to get better feed back ( And have more than just one question per post. )

Anywho~ This is rather impromptu but I hope you fill this out~! I'll check all of these personally so if you have any suggestions that you might be a little shy to share- then rest assured that this is fully Anonymous~! ^^

( And yes, the picture above will be part of a Background Pack soon~ ^^ )

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




“Do you think Azeru works hard” of course! And I greatly appreciate it! I think we all do 🥰


All filled out, thank you for the opportunity to give you feedback. Take care Azeru! 😇


All done! On do you work hard, or COURSE you do!!!! I love your work and your dedication to making so many characters come to life.

Andrea (Andibunny)

Done… and you work so hard. I am incredibly grateful for you and all you do. *hugs* 💖

Pam 701

That artwork is fantastic! ❤️🥰❤️


you work so hard and with so much passion, thank you for that and also think of yourself. give yourself rest and breaks when you need them azeru

Ciara Cross

Had time to fill out the Google form today! :) Thank you so so much for your hard work Azeru! Don't forget to take breaks in between when needed! 💖 Muah! xo


Holy floof, that artwork is mind-blowing 👌👌✨✨ I love the depiction, especially the inclusion of the suitcase✨ This is how every day normally is for you?😌


Appreciate all the time and effort!!


Filled out! thank you for allowing us to give feedback! You work hard to give us this content! make sure u rest and take care as well !


Totally off topic but you are so talented at art! 💖

Bianca Hubbard

I really liked the poll. Honestly... I get really confused with all the rules on Discord on what I can/can't say. It's the reason I only pop in a couple of times a month. This was a nice way to give feedback and make suggestions without the anxiety of what if I say something wrong.