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You enter the room that you were told to- and to your surprise- he was actually sitting there waiting. You honestly thought that it was just some sort of joke- when he first told you to come by- little did you know that tonight was going to be a night to remember for you both~

Closing Remarks For The Month : Thank you. I couldn't have made it this far without you and I wish that we can keep growing together~ I have some big news coming soon for the next month so stay tuned~ ( Hint hint, it has to do with some cards )

= = =

The New Audio featuring Delinquent x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time- featuring the aggressive, rash and surprisingly caring Delinquent!

Now! Before anything else, I want to let you know that I do not use Bully in it's bad form- I'm actually unsure what to name this archetype as it isn't exactly a Delinquent, nor a Bully. Rather more like someone who just doesn't care?... Anyway- I'll be honest. When I recorded this and wrote it, I thought he sounded too smart at times so I had to edit out a lot. Thus the slightly shorter run time! Not only that, but I also incorporated the whole "Switched Context" thing that I tried out the last couple audios!

I really want to keep working at it. Give a fresh experience to both the YT/SFW version and this Patreon version!

Script-talk, well, surprisingly nothing too new- but it was fun and somewhat difficult to try a character with less... class?... I'm too used to classy characters quq.

Technical side wise, I played around with some belt movement SFX during the spicy scene~ also I added some other things-... I can't say without spoilers, but you should hear some faint SFX during the spice~... or not~?... Hmmm..... The biggest technical thing is the context switch. I tried to go in harder and actually have a couple sentences changed completely between the SFW and the NSFW- making a start contrast to the context between both! I'll keep working on this system~

= = =

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel



Nope Bruh

i subscribed here just for this and i am not disappointed absolutely worth it


There's something so innocent about him but I can't put my finger on it. He has this deep whispering tone sometimes that just goes right down the very base of my spine.


man, the way he speaks... it gave me goosebumps...😳😳


Sometimes I legit have to pause in the middle of listening and take my headphones off for a breather because it’s gets so hot, and there may have been several times I did that during this one 🥵🥵🫠😍❤️


Thank you insomnia! Listening now!


no .. i am not currently in training ... no i was not happy when the notification flew in ... never ... * sarcasm * but lucky for me we're allowed to listen to music while working ... heheh "music"


I’m glad I was awake for this!! This was definitely a character I was excited to see again! The context switch definitely has a powerful impact on the audio quality, in the best kind of way. I commend you as always, for the wonderful content and effort you put into your craftsmanship. It truly shows with everything you post, and I can’t wait for more( ´∀`)☆


OMG!! the notification just popped up when we’re about to end the Teams meeting and oh boy was glad I was on mute as i accidentally squealed!! 😂 But noooo!! Not when I’m at work..How can I focus then?, this is due tomorrow... But nahh i agree with Yoko Neko we can listen with this kind of music at the same time anyway lol 😏😂. Thanks for this I’m gonna leave some comment once done listening!! 😊😊 EDIT: I appreciate the changes in sentences that you did! and those subtle SFX you added really did gave a fresh feeling and emphasized more the Delinquent character. And yes! You deserve it!!and thank you as well!! 😘 can’t wait for that announcement next month!!!


Ya know, out of all your original characters, I think this one might be one of my favorites so I was extra excited to see him again. And this did not disappoint! Dear lord, this one is good... Enjoyed the switch up audio too. ^^ And seeing as it is after midnight for me and officially the 31st, here's to a successful June!


I was about to get back to work... Guess not :)

Yana S.

That was really nice 🥰🥵

K Rose

Oh my goddddd, Azeru 🥵😅 I’m so weak lol, that was amazingggg 😋 my new favorite character, easily!! 😍🥰


I just woke up, and see you posted. This day already have a good start 😘


Well change of plan now off to listen to this immediately!


Hey good job with the audio!! Like always you out-did yourself and managed to give an amazing final product. You are surely learning from past experiences and it shows how much detail you put in them. Especially in the SFX, which are just getting better and better, those little details are what do make it more immersive and believable. The story was great, I’m sure there are hundreds of possibilities you can do with the delinquent and hopefully we can hear more of him in the future. Thanks for the new audio and for all the effort you put in them! Cheers! 💜

Elizabeth Davis

You’re always getting better and better, thank you for all your hard work <33


ooo ill listen to this later for sure thank u azeru:3


We gotta stop meeting in these classrooms like this, my friend. Phenomenal work as always!


agghhhhhh i cant wait to listen to this when i get home from work 😩


Yay!!!! Notification made me so happy! Can't wait to see what awaits me 😁😉


So pleased I dropped everything and listened to this straight away! WOW! I loved the first delinquent (I dunno maybe call him rebel??) audio and loved it! I truly cannot resist a bad boy and the second audio is no exception! Such a thrill! Loved it Azeru keep up the amazing work! 💜💜💜


Happy I woke up and noticed the notification! As always, such an amazing audio!! 💜💜


What a lovely thing to wake up to~


I have enjoyed this next step in the development in the relationship here, you continue to do such progressions interestingly and good. 💖 I wonder, since you prefer to say he isn’t so much a delinquent, what to refer to him more so as? Since he’s more indifferent in general it seems, but not so much a bad boy type character, or maybe kind of? Oh but not that i find it to be an issue at all though, I suppose I may be thinking on it a bit much just on how I would refer to him 😅 It’s good to place the kind of emphasis you do when having the listener be contrasting in ways you have as it adds well to the set up already established. The spice also was nice, as it so often is and overall well done Azeru, and thank you! 💕


Ive been waiting for this oneeeeee yasssss love love love

Sandra See

i was blushing from the start till the end, this has to be one of my favourites. love the kabedon(?) near the start ><


Omg yes! Ihave been waiting so much for this!! When it came out on yt I was with my family so I couldn’t listen to the audio at the time but reading the description I got really excited because the “delinquent” trope is my favorite! (A friend of mine made me notice this as most of my favorite characters are in that trope) I really liked how the character was written in the first audio so I know this one is going to be amazing as well.


What a lovely way to end the day. Face buried into the pillow with a smile 😙


Rebellious hottie...just a suggestion. Anyone else get Dabi flashbacks when he called us babe?


this was fantastic. something about azeru being a badass and swearing just be hitting different ♥️


I completely agree with you Azeru I wouldn’t call this character a delinquent I think 🤔 indifferent might be better.


I was waiting for this one 🙏🏼💖 Thank you as always Azeru!!💕

Ms. meowsmeow Yeawhateva

Yaaaaaaass i was waiting for this one. One of my favorites. Keep up the amazing work Azeru-Kuuuuuuunn😺🐾


I adore the delinquent so much!! The way he said 'but i like this more' and gives the softer kisses makes my heart melt <3 and the belt jingle is a really nice touch~ he's posessive yet wanting to give you freedom and i love it!! Keep up the great work! Labyuuu <3

EA Gorman

If only the boys in high school were like this...my sister and I would have had a lot more fun. {We were such good girls, the pair of us.} What a way to start my morning. Thank you. ;)


The dynamic of a carefree rebel and an upheld scholar was always interesting to me. You did this very well Azzy! I could definitely hear a difference in the new SFX and it was really refreshing! The more casual dirty talk was also really appropriate for this character!


Oh my...you talked about the change in script from the YT version and it still floored me 🥴 Also, you say you have trouble with rougher characters but your Dabi and Bakugo are immaculate. I guess this "delinquent" is somewhere between the two ends of the spectrum?

Andrea (Andibunny)

I adore that you have made the SFW version of this complete and satisfying even as a stand alone; I listened when you first dropped it and was so excited since the first encounter with this character brought so much promise for potential story development. And I love that he is quite multi dimensional- not simply a “bully”, one that has different sides to him, more of a restless soul, a rebel, with a lust for more than what he’s been offered. That edginess & hunger is part of what makes him so alluring... As does the element here of almost getting caught. How can I put into words what that does for this scenario, but between the positioning (hhhh!) dirty talk in that specifically different accent, and the danger of it...🥵😩💖 it left me really happy I will say that 😍 ! Oh and “Babe”!!! My my... I love it. 🥰


I love how you wrote/portray this character & how you've developed the storyline so far- I'm so weak for the rebel/troublemaker and goodie-two-shoes trope and this was really well-delivered The sexual tension and dirty talk is ofc amazing- but there's also something so captivating about two people feeling/being misunderstood in society but then finding solace and letting their guards down around each other- which is the general takeaway I'm getting from this (idk if that's what you were going for, or if it's just the type of content I've been consuming recently that's making me lean that way lol)- Also he's this bad boy character, but he's never mean or a bully to listener- instead I feel it's more like he challenges listener's worldview and they'd probably encourage each other to step outside of their comfort zones- UGH- just perfection T_T I love everything about this- looking forward to more!


The previous delinquent audio was good but this one is even better! It could just be me but the whispers sounded improved in this one. The scenario was just perfect and the SFX complement it so well 😌 Instead of bully or delinquent I’d call him a rebel. You have improved a lot since I found your channel and joined and I just want to say thank you for your work and for spoiling us so much 🥰

Steph Cullen

Hmmmm~~ Yes- kay!!! But those subtle belt and zipper sounds during the kiss? Ferking delicious like chocolate syrup drizzled over vinilla ice cream, and topped with score bits (caramel chunks) and a couple of plump lil cherries on top! Aka: very nice detailing, Azzy~~ I love the characterization as well of the Bully in this one~ Very well put together!! Again, I love your script writing, so no surprise there that I loved the plot line lol Kept me engaged and engrossed in what was happening the entire time~~


Love this character and so happy to hear them again~ He is such a fun one to hear and super glad this was the first of the last few audios I was able to listen to ta start catching back up on your audios!!! I’m so happy my students are now out for the summer and I have time once again to be here and listen! Great job as always! Lubs it~


I know I've said this before, but I go weak in the knees for the way you implement SFX in all your audios. It really just takes your audios to another level.


cheers azeru ^^


•\\\\\• My weakness. 💜 Thank you, Azeru


Oi 😵💙🖤💙🖤


Omg yes, turn me to cinders 🔥🔥🔥

Shallow Truth

why did the beginning catch me off guard fr 😭😭


did i just get kabedoned by this guy


I loved hearing the difference between the sfw and nsfw versions! Having that change in script at the beginning was such a shock to hear, especially so early in the audio! And calling us babe... mmm, that was a very veryyyy nice touch. All in all, another breathtaking audio, thanks Azzy 💙


*sigh* guess I know what I'm gonna be listening to constantly now


I want to give a new experience for both the Patreon version and the Youtube version ^^; I thought that this was a good way to do it! And I'm glad you like it~


Ahaha~ I'm just happy that the small SFX added was worth it and noticeable enough~. I never want to overload anything or overdo anything with these ^^;... and hopefully the announcement will be worth it~


Really now~? That's interesting since I thought the Delinquent was one of the lesser liked ones quq! And here's to June!!


There's definitely so many ways to move forwards... So many plays that the other characters won't do- and I'm both excited and scared ahaha~


Rebel you say~? I think he's just more... indifferent and non-complacent? Unsure really quq


I agree that he's indfifferent more than anything else quq... but he also has some flavours of being a bad boy. I'm reeally unsure!! And thank you~


Not my usual go-to nickname, but I felt he would be the type~


Ahaha~! I wouldn't really say that this character is a badass, but he definitely is somewhat of a bad boi!


It was really hard quq... This character archetype is so far from normal me ahaha~ But as long as you think it's good- then we're fine~


Ahah~ I mostly have trouble with the vocabulary. I'm not the type to talk roughly in most cases~ quq... and yes- from here on out I want to incorporate more context switching from both the SFW and NSFW~!


Ahahah~ I'm really happy that you liked it~ Hopefully I can keep giving this one a fresh feel compared to my other more... classy.... characters~


This really makes me want to make it a proper long long story. It's true even I'm quite interested in their dynamic- but how you word it makes me feel like it could be it's whole short novel!


It's a journey that I hope I can keep going through quq... Looking back, I'm honestly a bit embarassed at how my audios were... I'm sure in a year again, I'll once again be embarassed


Ahaha~ There's bound to be more!! And hopefully you're ready for quite a lot of audios to catch up on!!!


ohohooh my god that was lovely 🤤 i love this character so much


I’ve been waiting for this one 🎧


This character is one of my favorites and is one of the reasons I subscribed to you. 💓 Story time: If I'm being honest I probably like him so much because when I was a tiny freshman in high school I was picked on, not really bullied just shunned by my graduating class. Then some "indifferent delinquent" seniors started hanging around me and it just made the day easier. Of course my five foot self back then next to 3, six foot plus, guys probably looked funny to the adults and other students. However, they helped me make friends that year and I really appreciated those "indifferent delinquents" for that. You just never know about what people are like on the inside. Anyway, uninteresting story over now. Lol good job, love the differences it definitely makes a difference. I hope you are feeling better.

Kathy Mc

I'm a sucker for the "outsider guy" who looks at things differently, makes me think about things in a different way, and has a lot of sexual attraction. You put all of that and more into this "different" kind of guy. Opposites attract and boy, are the sparks flying! I really love him! You should do more with him. He's got a lot of layers to explore and I want to be the good girl who gets to see what's he's got going on!💞💞💖💖🎊🎊🎊Really great job, Azeru!! 🔥🔥🔥👄👄💥💥


Yes I've been waiting for the delinquent to come back! Mmm so delicious! Great work as always, Azzy!


I'm obsessed with this audio. It has everything passion lust desire a hint of excitement for being possibly caught ❤ its a pure pleasure to listen 🥰 thank you !


•\\\\\• holy damn this was an AMAZING audio.. I need more of this manz

Breaking Back

AND HE GOT A 2ND ACT! Where do I begin with why I love this audio... 1. Cocky son of a gun type of character. Someone who doesn't give 2 shits about what most people think, waving through pretenses, very honest with himself (doesn't hide his feelings for the listener, yet not losing his edge.), forward, sarcastic/sassy? You have all of mah attention. 2. Character depth. He is not cocky without reason! He's got a sharp mind, notices things and puts 2 and 2 together pretty quickly. He's also not an entirely heartless fella, which I am weak for. Defo not boring, I am on the edge (in the best way) to find out what is he going to pull off. 3. Tempter vibes. Oh yes, he is like the devil himself. But that's because he's very forward with his feelings, and cocky enough to pull it off. Ooh the sexual tension in the first half is dang real, the setup is better than some of your previous audios, probably it's my partiality towards feeling the edge and the danger than just words and plot. I can genuinely, honestly say that I felt emotionally satisfied with the YT version alone. Ofc this version be bussin real good, but I felt it's important to be able to be satisfied with the YT version because it says a lot about the characterisation and setup that makes the whole audio enriching. 4. Lip-on-lip action is more ... frequent here? The, uhm, sense of urgency here makes me feccking weak. Again, a personal preference, but I love doms that show hints of being weak for the listener in a not so subtle way ahaha like this rebel?delinquent?, Hawks and Yakuza/Mafia. It's the idea of the listener being the source of the character's ferality (classy or not, I don't discriminate lol) for something more than just their body that really hits the spot for me, I will be utter putty in their hands. So I am hoping to have more of those type of audios teehee*fingers crossed* 5. The dirty talk tho, a really good balance of passion and lust. The tone, the choice of words, is in line with his character. Being less elegant has its charm, sir and it fits so well here! Kindly refer to point 4 for the elaboration lmao 6. The new SFeckingX. It paints a more realistic picture of what is going on, a nice touch and not overdone. Though there are times where I'm not sure what is happening, minor parts tho, since the act was quite uhm, straightforward, leaving less things to the imagination. 7. "Babe". Periodt. I didn't mean this to be a long thesis as I wanted to thoroughly express the muchness I feel for this audio. I'm not even sure will you read all of it given that you have not been feeling at your best for a while. But! If it means you get to rest more and become better, then it's ok! I simply adore your work and hope that it will keep improving~~ kthxbye




ohh my fucking god 🥰


"let me put your leg on my shoulder as I push you to the wall" Boy I am not that flexible but I appreciate your optimism 😂

foxy kitty

Cold shower cold shower cold shower 🤤🤤


He TOTALLY gets off on being the ONLY person who sees the listener like THAT and that’s why he’s keeping our reputation in tact and I am HERE for it 😤


i got called out. i can fall for someone just because of their voice 😭 voice kink things 🤪


Hi I’m here for this…thanks ✅ I mean…who doesn’t like … want 😏 … a “bad” guy’s strong affections. Dialogue during the spicy was great 👌paints the perfect of picture of “I’m here…I’m bad…you intrigue me…I want to corrupt you” (and to that I answer..Yes please 🖐)


Ahh I can't stop coming back to this audio 😍 I just LOVE it so much!! I'd love to download this it's just so well made and it's honestly my favorite audio ever


the listener has been doing a lot of yoga it seems

Fallen down

Damnnn please do more audio with this caracter im dying 😩🤣


Are you open to some Honest feedback/constructice critisism? Firstly, the positives:the dialouge was all round solid, but, the dirty talk during the sex in partcular was was fantastic! Also, I did hear those feint SFX you were talking about, which I enjoyed, but, I kept an ear out for the belt movement sound and didnt hear anything, which is a crying shame, because, the sound of a guy undoing his belt is VERY sexy (plus, its kinda important, because when you know his cock is out, the listerner starts to anticipate). I also do think there are a couple of (very) minor areas you could've improved this - Firstly, the leg over the shoulder, a tad unrealistic, holding her leg up wouldve been better, as unrealistic postions can break that emmersion a bit. Next, the "pounding" SFX, they, well, sounded exactly like that, like someone pounding a bag of flour, when sex is more....."wet" and "slappy" XD (I heard a GREAT way to produce that sound is to slather your hand and meaty part of your thigh in lube, and slap away!) Secondly, the orgasm scene; it wasn;t 100% clear WHEN he came, as his tone of voice and the SFX pacing didn't change (much), when, even the most cool headed delinquient can't keep his cool when he cums, So I think when he's very close, the voice should be breathier (he's trying to maintain his sense of cool, but can't), and the SFX should build up to it, getting faster and faster, before finishing with a few solid, hard, thrusts (and maybe a loud swear lol). Anyway, thats just my two cents, all round it was a VERY solid audio though, with captivating dialougue - keep up the good work our fallen Angel!


So I just decided to lift my leg up to see weather it'd actually reach his shoulder and I have to disappoint you but I'm not as flexible as you believe I am :(


This audio was really amazing, I'm an absolute sucker for his voice in this one ૮꒰ྀི >⸝⸝⸝⸝< ྀི꒱ა


I have been hearing the audios with this character on repeat for a couple of days but this is absolutely my favorite one. From the beginning he's already kabedoning and saying "mine" and it only got hotter from there.