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Hello Everyone! Best wishes hope 2024 is starting to chug along for you! The January Pack has been sent so please check your messages and let me know if you have any questions! Good old trustworthy Dark Knight Lutrec fomr Dark Souls!

The Art Livestream Archive is mostly up on YouTube (older stuff has copyrighted music so still looking for an alternative host): https://www.youtube.com/@mikeymegaLIVE

Or See you live on Twitch! https://twitch.tv/mikeymegamega

Any questions, see you in my Discord! https://discord.gg/eZaXbv8

Remember, any Febuary Joiners can expect their rewards pack messaged to the at the start of March!

Warm Regards!





If possible can I get the link, I recently joined


Hey Fk - not to worry, as a Feb joiner your bits will get sent start of March (including the previous 2 months packs)


Hey mikey, I didn't get a link either


Hey Arcardo - I don't think Patreon is very good at actually alerting people, but could you double-check your messages inbox and let me know if nothing is there from your perspective!