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Heads up to recent joiners this will also be included in the May Pack when its out!






Thanks and cheers Mikey! I appreciate the extras.


I was wondering where is the NSFW stuff? I do the $20 a month pack and it's been two months. All I've seen is two pictures posted. Am I missing a link or something?


Is there a way to access older packs like this one if you joined later?


PLEASE MAKE A GUMROAD!!! They're are plenty of people who don't want to be Patrons with the uncertainty of when they will receive their rewards, or the uncertainty of what the art you will choose to make 6 months down the line. Having a gumroad allows people to choose what art they want to pay for, instead of gambling they might like your next series. You have a huge backlog of art that you can profit on again by selling on Gumroad. A lot of other Patreon creators sell their past work for a slight markup, so people can choose which art they actually want for a slight premium over patreon. You have so much art from the past -that either new people, or people who subscribed thinking they would receive current rewards- that you could be selling and profiting from again.