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Probably my favorite out of the bunch so far! I feel like I say that a lot...

Auc Vault / Drive link


December 2, 2017 - (A day after #96, 24 weeks into Susan's pregnancy)

Nathan checked his messaging app and clicked on the one pinned at the top, Susan. It read: ‘Last online 2 hours ago.’

She was supposed to be done 20 minutes ago... Nathan thought with persistently intrusive worry. He took a deep sigh and put his phone away as a vain attempt to ease his nerves. Nathan thought with persistently intrusive worry. Now though, he and Susan's reality had so rapidly changed, Nathan found himself with an anxious energy swirling in the pit of his stomach.

The thought of walking in with class still ongoing, seeing all those pregnant women… Their bellies in varying stages of enlargement, and swollen breasts, all competing against the confines of their tight swimwear. He thought of their wet hands, rubbing the stretched skin of their stomachs. Their awkward movements, accommodating newly grown forms. And Susan. Susan with her body being an exacerbated version of theirs… Her filling, rotund breasts, equaling in size to other women's pregnant bellies, heavily resting upon of her own. Her bathing suit in a constant struggle to contain the enlarging body under its thin fabrics. All of it made him regret that he stopped taking his medication which assisted in suppressing unwanted and sudden erections. The vivid cavalcade of sensual images proceeding through his mind sent tingles down his spine, and blood engorging in his penis. Upon realization, he took a breath and gained back brief clarity and flaccidity.

Nathan knew he could keep his cool, and he had been up until this point. However with Susan carrying his children and destined to become atypically massive, that level of coolness had been melting away. The further her belly peeked from under her increasingly huge breasts, the less he could focus on work. But when he got home, he often was too tired to really enact on his desires.

Nathan tightly gripped the steering wheel, feeling the sown leather. Fully knowing the longer he waited, the worse it was going to be. He sighed again, now tapping the wheel alternatively with his hands. Few moments passed before he reached for the door and launched himself off of his seat as fresh air filled his lungs.

He locked his car and moved towards the entrance. His confidence lasted for only a few steps.

Wait. Can I just barge in and pick her up?

Questions filled his mind about the logistics of his impulsive plan. He didn’t bring any swimwear, but he also didn’t want to make a scene or wait it out while he’s fully clothed. An alternative was to pretend, his dark blue underwear could easily be mistaken as swimwear. Today he felt fortunate about his inability to purchase anything but dark underwear.

The door slid open before him. With a pounding heart he walked up to the counter and got greeted by an employee. Nathan asked what the schedule was currently, and if he’s able to get a ticket. The woman explained that recreational swimming started half an hour ago, and because of how quiet it is, he could purchase one without having to make a reservation. He made the payment and thanked the lady before heading off to the changing rooms.

Before he got there however, he noticed a vending machine selling swimming equipment. Goggles, inflatables but also swimming trunks. A huge relief fell off of his shoulders. Without a second delay he bought one medium-sized and brought it with him.

Nathan carefully navigated through the narrow hallway, kids running past him and parents making sure they don’t lose sight of them. He realized he was going to be one of them soon enough. But that thought did not last as he found a vacant door and quickly went inside.

Changing into the newly bought swimming trunks did not take long, however Nathan realized that it felt more snug than his boxers did, particularly around his genitals. The bright blue did not conceal him well, but at least he wouldn’t stand out because of his clothes. He took his clothes outside the room, into a locker before taking out the key.

With a key to his belongings around his wrist, Nathan finally had the swimming pool in his sights. Without his glasses, it would be difficult to identify anyone. Fortunately for him, Susan had grown to a point where she would be hard to miss even with blurred vision. He walked past the edges of the pool, trying his best to look casual while scanning. Eventually he found two blurs far in the corner, one far bigger than the other. Her outline, a large series of orbs, was immediately distinguishable. He felt confident in his guess as one had white and blue elements, but not enough to call out to her. Luckily he did not have to.

“Oh speak of the devil- is this Nathan? He fits your description of him, minus the glasses.” The blonde gal next to Susan spoke. This must be the friend she mentioned.

Susan looked up from her floating position. “N-Nathan! What makes you come out here?”

Nathan clumsily walked closer to the sweet, familiar voice of his wife and cleared his throat. As Susan came into better focus he saw just how stunning Susan was. Perhaps it was the angle he saw her in, or that they met in a place that wasn’t in their cramped apartment. Her pregnancy was working wonders on her as she was positively glowing. His eyes darted across her body, parsing out the angelic glimmers the water gave her expansive body. “I uh-... I was just checking how you were doing, it’s been like 20 minutes after the class and-”

“20 minutes already?!” Susan gasped. “I had no idea- I must’ve made you worry...”

“Oh not at all.” He scratched his head. Pretty little lies.

“Okay that’s good-... but why are you wearing those trunks?”

He felt his cheeks warm up. “Oh erhm these? Well the thing is I didn’t want to barge in with full clothing, especially if you were still in class.”

“Well, you can join us for a bit longer then!” Susan beckoned him to jump in. “It’s been so long since we swam together.”

“Well I don’t know...” Nathan wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. His mind was split between being mesmerized by Susan and not letting those thoughts get to his head. The swim trunks would not be able to constrain a full erection, his shaft painfully pressing through the fabric as if it were held in unjustified captivity.

“Why not? It’s not often that we can just... relax and let our worries flow away.” Her words trailed off, as if she noticed something peculiar at the very end. “Uh.... Nat...”

Before the realization fully set in that his manhood was well within the process of making its presence overtly known, Nathan jumped off into the water. With his legs straight so there wouldn’t be too much of a splash. He shook his head after re-emerging.

“Oh right Nathan- so this is Blair, my new friend at the support group. And Blair, this is my lovely husband, Nathan.” Susan recovered from the near crisis.

He swam over to shake Blair’s hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard good things about you. Nathan carried on, relieved by his safety.

“Likewise!” Blair responded. “I’ve heard you’d be a great father.”

“B-Blair!” Susan interjected.

“Whaat? That’s not a bad thing to say, is it?”

“Well I mean... I dunno about that. I had a lot of practice with Eli and Noah.”

“Exactly!” Blair snapped her fingers. “-and they have ended up like great kids. Or... or so I’m told anyway.”

“You’re just repeating what I said to you- in secret by the way...” Susan pouted.

“Oh girl, you worry too much.”

“By the way...” Nathan started. “How did the class go?”

Blair spoke before Susan could. “Ahh it was so good! It was so nice to lose all of that weight and just float away. Right, Suu?”

“Yep! It’s only when you go back to being like... feather light when you realize how much is burdening you.”

Nathan swallowed. Not going to comment on that. Though surprising that she already is on a Suu-name basis with Blair.

“-They’re still plenty buoyant but as long as I don’t go fully underwater it’s been great.”

“Hear hear!”

“...Blair you’re not even remotely busty.”

“Doesn’t mean I can’t preach your words of wisdom~” Blair laughed before moving her legs under the pool noodle, slowly lowering herself back standing. “I’m gonna go for a few laps, can you hold onto these noodles for me?”

“Sure thing, seeya in a bit.”

The two let Blair pass and watched as she started swimming strokes. Leaving Susan and Nathan with just a pair of noodles.

“Wanna try to hover?”


Susan stood back up and gave him her noodles. “So the big one you should wrap around your back in a U-shape, so you can rest your arms on them.”

Nathan led her guide him, following the steps she instructed him to do. He couldn’t help but to chuckle.

“And so for your legs-... what?”

“Hahah, it’s nothing.” Nathan replied. “I just imagined you helping a daughter to float, the way you spoke...”

“W-what? Just because of how I spoke?”

“Mhm, yep.”

“Huh...” Susan was taken back a bit. It was turning out pregnancy was perhaps changing her ways not expected. “Wait you got your legs under the noodle already!”

“Tehee~” Nathan said with the best girly voice he could muster.

“Speaking of- what makes you think we’d have a daughter?”

“Well...” He looked up to the ceiling. “It is statistically extremely likely. Only two cases out of the... 50 or so, where they will be all born as a girl or boy. So... I’d say my odds are good.”

“Oookay hotshot. We should... sit down sometime to write out their names. Like maybe seven girl and boy names total.”

“Sounds like a plan! But first... let us enjoy a bit of peace in the water...”

“It’s good right?”

“Uh-huh... I think I really needed this.” Nathan breathed. This had turned out quite pleasant, his erotic fantasies had finally acquiesced, and was replaced with a genuine anticipation for their future.




Having a daydream sequence where Nathan's erotic desires go wild regarding everyone's growth would be cool ;3