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Might as well throw what is done on Millie online! I think it'll be nice to rotate between Susan and Millie while occasionally having an random piece or quickie.

I have to admit I had more planned for this story, but in order to move things along I should to keep things short.

Drive link 


“So a new guy, eh? He must be quite special.” The taxi driver said before merging into a lane.

It was difficult for her to do anything else but carry a large grin. Millie nodded to the acquaintance in the driver’s seat. Their overlapping schedules meant that he often ended up being her driver. After his initial shock, he treated her just like any of his other passengers. So she could just relax, not having to worry about commonly asked questions that she knew did not have ill intentions, but frustrated her nonetheless.

Millie stared outside, fantasizing about how his apartment would look, based on his undersold descriptions. She had a good feeling about this one.




Great! It was expressed to the texture of my skin, and I felt like I had a girlfriend in front of me!


I like this story format! Short and sweet. I wouldn't be upset to see more posts like this; a finished image with a tiny exposition ♥️