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This one wasn't exactly part of the script, but that's a good thing! When I follow one (and for Susan I do that meticulously) I tend to focus on hitting those story beats without taking a moment to appreciate the 'scenario'. This being one of them! Because up until this point, it has been quite hard to see how big her belly had become. It's only through a fun and enjoyable scene that I was able to conceive of something like that.

And oh lord she's growing fast...

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September 29, 2017 - (Morning after #85, 14 weeks into Susan's pregnancy)

“Goooood morning, sunshine.”

Susan blinked her eyes a couple of times before smiling at her significant other. He got up from the sofa and walked over to her to give her a kiss on the forehead. Meanwhile she slid her arms from under her breasts and started stretching as best she could, given the situation. Trying to get some blood back into her arms.

“Good morning to you too, honey.”

Nathan kneeled down besides her on the bed, holding the hand with the rings they exchanged one another only a handful of months ago. “You slept well?”

She gave her breast a scratch, under her extremely inadequate tank top. “I think so yeah. What time is it?”

He glanced to his side. “11 am.”

“Huh. Guess I needed those hours of sleep...”

“Well last night was rather intense. With the celebration and all.”

“Mhmm, true...” She tried to arc her back forwards, but due the three growing globes in front of her it was getting progressively more difficult. Nathan instinctively reached out to help her sit up right, with the pillow right up to the bedframe. “I still can’t believe that happened...”

“Mhm-mmm...” Nathan cleared his throat. “Let’s scoff that one off to hormones.”

“Good idea.” Susan said immediately. Her eyes glanced over to the kitchen in the distance, then turned back to his blue eyes. “Did... you make breakfast yet?”

“Not yet, but before I start... you’ll have to indulge me for a moment.”

Her eyes narrowed. “...What is it?”

“Who is Milena and Nadine?” Nathan asked, trying his best to hold back a sly smile. Which made its full appearance on his face when Susan’s cheeks started to blush red.


“Uh-huh. You should know that you were dreaming not too long ago, and Milena and Nadine kept coming up! And I couldn’t help but to grow really curious... who are these people?”

“Stop.... stop saying their names...”

“Oh? Milena and Nadine? Why is that?”

She swiped her arms in front of him, barely missing the edge of his glasses. “Just cause!!! It’s really embarrassing, okay?”

“Mhmm...” Nathan took a moment to glance down at her tanktop. Normally they would be okay trying to cover her breasts, but this morning her left breast almost slipped out. They’ve gotten more sensitive, however they haven’t been doing much growing at the moment apart from breastmilk. Which left Nathan with one bold assumption to make.

“This one’s Nadine, I bet.” He poked the breast closest to him, fully knowing how sensitive they have gotten in the first trimester. “It has the birthmark after all.”

All he needed for confirmation was to look up at her face. Her frowned and rather flushed face. “I- I hate how you just know.“

Nathan chuckled, but not too hard as to invite a slap to his cheeks- or a theft of his glasses. “It is really adorable. I’d love to hear more about them but...”

He gave her another kiss on the head before standing back up. “But that’ll probably have to be for another time. For now, breakfast for my pregnant wife!”

“You better make it d-delicious!”

“Only if I can get to drink from Nadine~”

“...! Nathan!”




I almost want to see “april fools” Susan while pregnant just so we csn get a good look at her belly.


That's a good point. I do intend on doing some kind of side-by-side progression with her, once I'm done with the part 1 scenes, or later. Maybe as an extra addition, she could lift up her breasts so the belly is also visible. How's that for an idea?