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IT BEGINS. It is kinda surreal, as Susan's pregnancy has been SUCH a long time coming. Plenty of times where I wanted to implement it, but ended backing out, one instance even at the very last second (for those that wonder why I introduced her aunt Becca...  yeah that's what happened). But now it's actually here!  I'm also not very far ahead in part 2, so when I do, the fact that it's actually happening will probably settle then.

So as I mentioned before, part 1 will have 9 entries spanning across 20 weeks (this scene here starts at week 6, so actually 14 weeks). These are all nearly done and will have a minimal impact on what I need to work on, so that's all good. I'm not sure how many the other two parts will have, nor how many weeks they will take place across. 

July 30, 2017 - (10 days after #80, 6 weeks into Susan's pregnancy)

The weekends were holy for Susan, a break from her busy life as an assistant veterinarian. Having to deal with owners and their equally loud pets, occasionally having to chime into the store even though that wasn’t quite part of her job description. It was something she loved doing nonetheless, but it often left her exhausted. Leaving only the weekend to recharge her batteries.

Unfortunately, Susan also had to deal with something else. The woes of her first trimester. The possibility didn’t even come across her mind, until the day she saw those two stripes on a pregnancy test. The delicate work-life balance was overthrown by it, where she spent more of her weekend time sleeping. Feeling energized the next day, right until she stood up.

Today was one of those days, where Susan was lounging on the couch with only a loose top and shorts. The summer heat still carried through late July. Meanwhile Nathan gave her the space she needed, with Saturday mornings him going off to exercise with his colleagues.

Susan tried to get up once she heard the door lock open, but gave up the moment she felt a wave of nausea. Instead she turned her head to face the open hallway. She was surprised to hear another voice besides his, a familiar one.

“Good morning~”

Her curiosity made her push through, throwing her legs off the sofa and onto the wooden floor. “Kim?!”

“The one and only!” The redhead walked further, into full view of Susan. It was only then that she could see the gains Kim had achieved during their time apart. It was hard to see when she was wearing a dress at their wedding, but her exercising clothes did the exact opposite, almost emphasizing the muscle definition in her legs. Her abs were also on full display.

“Wow. I had no idea you were this...”

“Oh yeah sorry, I ran into Nathan leaving the changing room at the gym. I thought about changing but with this weather... I mean who would even wear a t-shirt?”

Nathan walked up besides Kim, after putting his belongings aside. He glanced at his own abs. “And who wouldn’t want to show those those off...”

Kim laughed, tapping him on the shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll get there eventually, you only started last week right?”

“That’s true.” He said, before eyeing Susan. “How are you holding up hun?”

Susan carefully got up using the sofa’s arm rest. “Not too bad.” She proceeded to walk up to Kim to give her a hug. She felt the strength in her friend’s arms while her breasts were being squished between both bodies.

She winced however, and Kim was quickly to let go. “Oh! Are you okay?”

Susan shook her head. “Yeah... it’s just that these have gotten really sore and firm lately.”

“Aww I see... Well pregnancy is a pretty big deal, you should take it easy.”

“Mhm, I’ve been trying... This first trimester SUCKS.” She said as she tried to pass through them to the hallway.

“Yeah it’s been particularly rough for you... I wish I could do more-... uh, Susan?”

All Nathan and Kim could see was her back as she ran off into the bathroom. They heard the loud clang of the toilet seat hitting the reservoir before the vulgar sounds emerged of Susan vomiting. They looked at each other with frowned eyebrows.

“Aaaaa- that was my fucking lunch!” The hollow tone in her voice echoing from the toilet bowl.

“I’ll... I’ll go make some more food then.” Nathan excused himself, while Kim went to the bathroom to check on Susan. She leaned in to see her still bent over the toilet.

“Need a hand?” Seeing Susan nod, Kim kneeled down besides her to help her back up. Her ill friend walked over to the sink to wash her face, her hands, everything. Kim made sure to flush the toilet before leaving.

Once Susan had returned, the two of them lounged on the sofa while Nathan was still attending to a quick lunch for three. They sat there for several moments before one of them decided to speak up.

“Soo...” Kim tried to say non-chalantly. “This kinda makes me wonder, was this part of your life long dream?”


“You know, with the whole... secret desires thing you two have going on.”

“U-uhm... well...”

“Wait, Kim knows?!” Nathan yelled from back in the kitchen. “F-for how long?!”

Kim glanced over to the kitchen with a big smile on her face. “Before you two were dating. Since we’re on this topic aaanyway... I also know about the milk. Throwing it out there.”

His shock was heard from the living room in the form of him cursing at dropping some food, followed be a long silence.

“I-I meant to tell you! I just wasn’t sure when... and then with the pregnancy and all the planning...” Susan let out a sigh. “I’m sorry.”

Nathan brought over some grilled sandwiches and joined the two. Sitting down in the single sofa seat, he cleared his throat. “Well... I thought it was our little secret but... I suppose I can see why you’d want to confide in a friend.”

Kim and Nathan helped themselves to grabbing a slice. After he took a bite and swallowed it, he looked over to Kim. “So Kim, how have you been as of late? We didn’t really have a chance to catch up back at the wedding. You were busy taking photos and I... well...”

“You had to get married to her!” She laughed, tapping Susan’s shoulder. “Nah but I’m doing pretty good! Getting jobs every now and then, enough to live comfortably enough. Along with my sister.”

He dipped his sandwich into a small bowl of curry. “Sidney, right?”

“Yep! If you think I’m ripped you haven’t seen anything yet. After I helped her to lose some weight, she’s practically turned it into a full time job... But yeah she’s still studying Library Science and it’s all going well.”

Suddenly Kim bounced in her seat and rubbed her hands. “Soo... since I know so much about your lives already, could one of you satiate my curiosity...” She eyed the two of them slowly, taking in their expressions before she dropped the line. “You two weren’t trying to conceive, were you?”

“W-well... I mean... It’s kinda like...” Nathan got out while scratching his head. He was late to find Susan’s cheeks getting increasingly red. Her poker face was dreadful, but one of the things he found adorable about her.

“Susan~ is there something you would like to share with the class?” Kim did her best imitation as a teacher, in a way that could be described as posh. But she snapped right back to her regular voice. “I also know about the honeymoon~”

“What!? Susan!” He threw his hands up in the air, reclining deeply into the seat. “I can’t believe you told her that too...”

Nathan was too busy drowning in embarrassment to notice Susan gasping for air. The swift motion of catching the air caused her breasts to jump from her lap and wobble back into place.

“Itsureisntmyfaultbecauseitwasyourideaformetostoptakingbirthcontrolpills-” A high-pitched inhale later. “-soiwouldstopgrowingandstillfitmyweddingdress-an-and-”

Susan interrupted herself, throwing her hands into her hair and also reclining into the sofa. She crossed her arms over her face, blocking all sunlight from her eyes. Her deep inhale trembled from all the emotions swelling up inside of her. “I still don’t know if it was right or wrong, or anything... B-but It isn’t like we didn’t want this. It’s just all so sudden...”

Kim reached out to her shoulder. “I have this feeling... that the baby is going to be totally fine. I mean, its going to have you two as its parents! I don’t know anyone else who are as excited to have a kid. Plus...” She eyed Nathan briefly. “If you decide to have more children, you’ll have a kid looking out for their younger siblings! Just like Nathan has with his.”

He smiled and nodded towards Kim. He got up from his seat and leaned forwards to rub Susan’s legs to comfort her. He did not have a lot of room to work with, given the size of her bust. Either of them expected for her to sit there for a while, let things settle in.

But Susan let out a small chuckle and put her arms back at her side, revealing wet eyes and snotty nose. “You guys... I... I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. E-even like... letting it out like this was nice...”

“In a cathartic way?” Kim asked, to which Susan nodded. She then opened her arms for a hug, that both surprised Kim and caused her to back off just a little, with her friend’s face rubbing against her top.

“You made me cry Kim, you’re gonna to have to accept the consequences!” With the three of them laughing, the girls embraced each other. This time not out of courtesy, but genuine appreciation of one another.



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