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Hey all, so I’m dealing with some minor wrist pain and haven’t been able to get to all the suggested sketches I wanted to do done for March yet. I know I’ll definitely need another week or two to rest before I can get back to them, so I’m thinking I’ll delay asking for the new month’s suggestions until about mid April.

In the mean time, I’ll go ahead and post the 2-ish March sketches I mostly finished sometime tonight then update the post with the other sketches later.



Ah I see the artists curse xD but in all seriousness get well soon


It really is. Bad time for it too with all the social distancing. I’m so bored without drawing.


Dang, that sucks. Take the time you need, don't want to make it worse.


You’re totally right. It’s the first time I’ve really had this problem but I’ve definitively learned that there’s no “powering through it” before it heals.


Hey man, no rush! Take all the time you need, no one should feel like they have to work at the cost of their health.


Thanks Beetle. Though in my case I’m the opposite and just hate not working. Taking breaks is hard for me.


For some people they have a nagging voice in the back of their mind that guilts them for not always working all the time, the uncomfortable worry of "could I be doing more?" I think the important thing is to understand that things like this are actually part of the job too. In a roundabout way, resting after drawing too much IS working, since someone wouldn't have been able to do all that work before without having this cooldown period.