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Hey friends,

I've been maneuvering life's spaceship through an asteroid field lately, and am almost out of it. Apologies for the major slow-down in content.

Currently catching up on Patreon rewards and actually creating some new merch, finally. For real-real.

Meanwhile, here's a #Short! 

YouTube reeeeeally wants us to be making them, so I'm experimenting with the format. Still not sure if this is the way to best use it. Let me know if you find this type of thing... watchable?

Thanks as always for your support!



Captain Disillusion is dealin' with the world as best he can. http://www.patreon.com/CaptainDisillusion http://www.twitter.com/CDisillusion http://www.instagram.com/CaptainDisillusion


Joop Joop Games

Was pleasantly surprised to see you in shorts!


Lol love that your short in under 2 weeks gets over a million views. Love that for the channel but damm.