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Hello, patient, benevolent friends,

I'm so close to finishing the big video, I can taste the optimized thumbnail. But there's just a bit more VFX/comping work to do before I can get to the final boss of sound design.

Attached is an updated progress chart, as well as an image representing my current, sleep-deprived state of mind.

I'll most likely do an informal Discord stream as I'm working on the audio in the coming days, so hope to see you there!

Otherwise, talk to you when the video's out!

Thank you so much for your support.



James Dominguez

Heya CD, have you ever considered doing a detailed analysis of the Patterson-Gimlin footage? It's probably the single most famous "paranormal" footage in the history of video media, and it's been pored over by hundreds of people for more than half a century. Of course, there are no digital effects involved, but talking about frame rates, camera lenses, film stock, and image stabilisation would certainly be up your street. Feel like tackling a classic? :)