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Hi everyone!

For some reason a little while ago I felt that the best way to deal with the challenge of making Quality Content® in a timely fashion is to work on 2 different videos at the same time. This was not a brilliant idea, but here I am in the middle of executing it!

I've written, filmed and begun editing the first video (let's call it Project David), but am now prepping for the imminent filming date of the second video (let's call it Project Goliath), which has to take place out of town. 

David is fairly simple and fun. Goliath is big, complex and involves so much post work it makes me want to cry. But is also fun!

The most fun part is that both these videos have natural deadlines that I really must meet. In the case of David, it's relevance of the topic. Goliath is a collab and I don't want to keep my collaborators waiting too long for the result.

So it's going to be an interesting month.

Thank you as ever for your patience and support. Please stay tuned for further, less cryptic updates and work-in-progress livestreams.

Meanwhile, if you haven't seen it, please enjoy my recent appearance on VFX & Chill with Hashi & Seth. We mostly chilled and talked about VFX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM7b_ltQabM



Take your time D, i know you always like to deliver top quality content (which it is) but you shouldn’t burn yourself out because of it! Take care, man

Daveed Ben dov

My name is daveed ain’t that cool


Deadlines can be great because it can be so easy to indefinitely delay finishing a project in the pursuit of perfecting it. We’re gonna love it.


I spent last week shooting most of a video, for the first time since before cell phones were video cameras. It was a lot of fun. Nothing remotely up to your standards, but good enough for our purposes. I think watching your videos (even though we'll use almost no VFX) helped keep my very minimal skills above the "start from scratch" level, so thank you.


Captain, as far as I am concerned, take as much time as you need. The work is always worth the wait 👍


Ai ai captain!