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Looks like I had accidentally scheduled the stream for 1 PM, but it is in fact 2, i.e. any moment now. Sorry for any confusion!



As planned, tomorrow at 2PM ET, I'll stream working on sound effects spotting (finding and placing them) for the upcoming video. There's just the last section left, so I'm hoping to finish the process on stream.

It'll be a bare-bones type of deal, just me staring at my screen, trying to concentrate while auditioning lots of crazy noises over and over and over.

So if you're into that, see you there maybe!


CD Work Stream 07-27-24

Let's finish sourcing the sound FX together!


Yves Riguet

Thank you, oh capitain my capitain!

Sam Bishop

Re: some of us feeling ripped off for releasing this to lower tiers… I’m a few tiers ahead of just the BTS stuff and I don’t really care. It makes sense you wanted to get some content out to all patrons and it’s not like I lose anything as a result. Same sentiment for the person who asked to share this one link with some friends who were newly into the world of VFX, video editing, etc. That’s pretty harmless* and also doesn’t change anything for me really. You’re also right that there’s nothing you can really do to stop people doing that anyway so best not to stress needlessly. *Obviously, if someone is getting sent every link on a regular basis then they should become a patron but, again, there’s nothing you can really do about such freeloaders so DWBH & all that jazz.