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Greetings friends!

I rise out of the swamp that is the overly-complex VFX stage of another video to bring you a graphical update of its progress.

As before, the picture is a representation of the whole edit and the green parts are what's completely visually finished. It's 36 of 129 shots, but it amounts to exactly 50% of the video.

I've also included my face so you can remember what it looks like. I'm really sorry that it takes forever to make these things.

This video will be a classic style debunk, peppered with a lot of silliness. I hope you like it. A work livestream or two might precede the upload, if you're into that kind of thing.

Thank you as ever for your superhuman patience and support!



Spencer Tucker

Discord live stream would be awesome! Glad you posted a photo of your face too, I did actually forget what it looked like but you’re very handsome!

mason ross

“If it is, I'm glad you're here. You see, I used to make this stuff infrequently, as a hobby in my spare time. But now, thanks to the amazingly generous support of viewers on this website, I've been able to turn this hobby into my main job and produce a video per month. I'd like to take it further, however - make my videos better, longer and release them more frequently until they become indistinguishable from, say... a streaming TV series!“