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A while ago, Patreon made some changes that made it impossible for new patrons to access the original trading card posts.  So, these BKB1 trading cards are being reshared so all of our patrons can enjoy them!



Clever User Name

Sedna's reaction though <3 As much as I love the weekend hero spotlights we get sometimes, and still *eagerly* await the inevitable Voluptas one, part of me thinks one or two based just on some of the hotter moves - spanking, Venus' bikini steal, etc - might be fun.

Bikini Karate Babes

Yeah, it's been a while since we've done those. Last time the voting was crazy. Also, some characters have more material to share than others. We'll look and see what's possible in the near future. Certainly types of moves have been featured in video compilations, but there will always be more.