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A few photos from the original Bikini Karate Babes to make staying at home a little easier.  There will be more of these from all 3 games over the next several days and weeks.  While some of these have been seen before, others are being shown for the first time.



Hilik Dotan

What's up guys! I hope this finds everyone well. So I've noticed a new beta build. Now I was wondering If this is because of Apple being strict or some other reason? Either way, I can't wait to see new stuff, So I hope the game will come soon! (Not before we Kick corona's ass of course...) Okay people Stay strong and healthy... and keep the faith! We'll get through this! Love ya!

Bikini Karate Babes

Yes. Apple is being picky. But the latest test build is basically the version that will go public.