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With everything going on in the world, and while we wait for Apple to publish BKB3, we are going to start sharing a variety of some of the hottest images from all 3 BKB games with you!

So, in the upcoming days and weeks, Patrons can see some amazing photographs of the BKB characters!  Bikini Testers will even get to see a bit more!  We greatly appreciate this support and hope that you enjoy the photos and other content we want to share with you.


Hilik Dotan

Good to hear from you, I was kinda getting worried. (the jew that i am Oy vey, Boobaleh! anyway, take care! health to everyone, may we get through this soon. and may we never know sickness again! Cheers! God Bless!

Bikini Karate Babes

It's been tricky to update. Will try to get something up starting tomorrow.