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Manasha shares her personal and modeling photos with BKB fans!



Hilik Dotan

Okay, sorry if i'm a bit late on this, but you've released a new build for testing, and the things to test were 1) Character loading times 2) The new video system. (I believe It's called BKBtv now) and 3) The trading card feature. So here's my experience so far: Well at first I updated my build via Testflight, but once I loaded the game and tried to play, I could only choose to play as Tienwu and Athena, even though the "My characters" option included all of the currently available fighters. That's odd I thought, and so I deleted the BKB3 app and re-installed, and once I logged in, It automatically downloaded all the babes again just fine, so I started a game and chose Marishi, but alas the game froze while loading a fight against Athena. I had to turn my Ipad off and on, but when I tried to start a new game, the first Issue reoccurred (the one with the char select only showing Tien and Athena). So that's one. Regarding the video system, when I try to "purchase it" It says that It's no longer available, and that's it I guess for number 2. As for number 3, the trading card system, It seems to work fine, I mean I haven't tried to trade or anything, but the menu of picking a card to view didn't seem to have an issue. So that's it for now, thank you, stay healthy everyone, take care, cheers, god bless!

Bikini Karate Babes

Great feedback. There will soon be another build that fixes some of these issues.