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This week I focused my attention on making Golden Fredrika a reality. First I'm working on the basics of her AI, this was started before but the new method I had used for the dialogue system worked really well so I started over with that approach. This is intended to be the first implementation of the modular AI's for "FuckNAF 2" so it needs to be as well made and flexible as possible.

The basic idea is that there will be AI goals and exit codes, the AI will check numerous metrics and if any of them are met it will go to the appropriate exit which will lead to a new goal. So right now for example Fredrika has a bespoke AI script that tells her "start going to the light switch and wait for an animation to be played" this works 99% of the time, but if there's a collision or she stops moving for whatever reason she will remain trying to reach that light forever. With the new approach the "Go to a light switch" script will be its own mini script as part of a bigger script and it will constantly not only check for the animation being played, but it will check if Fredrika hasn't moved in a while, if the light switch is made unreachable, or if she's very close to the light switch but the animation isn't triggering and each of those goals being met will lead to another mini script.

For Golden Fredrika she will have a large number of fairly simple scripts, her mechanics will be based around manipulating time, you will lose if time reaches 10PM and you will win if it reaches 6 AM. To achieve that she will incorporate a mechanic tied to each of the other 7 bots, every light turned off will cause time to tick backwards a small amount, she will hack you and cause time to tick back, she will either want to be seen (foxy), or want to be avoided (Chica), etc. There will be some tell as to what mechanic she's doing at the moment, it will probably be her eyes glowing a specific color.

I also started doing retopology on a copy of the sex bot body, I want Golden Fredrika to have a normal map on her torso which is not possible with the way the models are set up. Hopefully this also translates into the model looking better and also animating better, it will certainly allow me to add more detail to the texture.



Joined this out of curiosity, have to say I enjoy the updates to the mechanics and everything and hope you keep doing well!

John Marron

I think that eyes might be difficult to see on the camera if she were to move towards the entrance hall Maybe put a glow on the inner ears or around the joints might work.


There's a strong possibility that's the case. I imagine she'll be looking at the camera a lot, but if that's too off putting or not realistic I'll have to look at other options. She might have either glowing joints like you said or if I'm able to texture her better than the other bots she might have a glowing texture along her body.