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I thought I have to share this with you guys just as I've seen this on Instagram. I went totally crazy. ;)

This is a 17th century stays made by a very talented craftswoman L'ala Ovest Costumery. You can easily find her on Facebook or Instagram.

Just look at this neckline!!! I'm totally stunned. :D

I definitely want to do this pair stays. I don't know if it will be a separate mod - probably yes. And probably another bigger side-project for you dear Patrons :)

But first thing's first. This weekend I'm starting with material painting of the Tudor gown.

Remember that you can always ask me anything on modding here :)

Have a great weekend guys!





The stays were basically an undergarment (there were but dresses that had a one-piece stays-bodice) it came in various lengths and shapes but the function was always the same - to support the bust and flatten the chest. This one is a fancy one and would be most probably worn under a dress. The working class women wore often much simpler canvas stays over a chemise and not much more over it - maybe a robust cloak or a simple jacket. The cheaper stays were boned with cane and the more expensive ones with whalebone.


As for the example you linked - it's a kind of fantasy bodice inspired with the shape of stays but doesn't seem to be that much boned ;) Of course the stays were sometimes full-boned (the bones were put side by side) or half-boned (there were a couple cm ease between the bones)


Nowadays corsetieres use for boning mostly synthetic whalebone, which is a kind of plastic that adapts nicely to the shape of the body and keeps this shape. It's also light and the whales are also happier :)


I think there will be some time for something smaller after the Tudor gown is finished :)