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Busy working on the next update, but wanted to drop a line on development.

Poll results

The first content poll closed yesterday. There were over 40 responses, so I am thrilled that we had so much engagement. I hope that these monthly polls will be a tremendous point of engagement for the community and assistance for me to deliver games that you will all enjoy.

Two of the options received the highest numbers of votes:

  • Shaun, Bobby, and Scarlet should be able to freely move around the apartment
  • Orgasm-based increases for CumPoints

Both of these will be incorporated into the first update of In Her Own Hands under the new system. There was a clear mandate from respondents to include both features.

In addition, I have decided to include these other options as well, though there were fewer votes. Neither feature requires much time investment, and I feel like they will enrich the game experience.

  • The ability to toggle between foreplay and sex during the CumPoints scenes
  • Preference-based modifiers for CumPoints

The final optional feature ("Pop-up 'tutorials' in context") received the fewest number of votes, so I will leave this alone for the time being.

In Her Own Hands

I have taken these first few days of the monthly cycle to work on some of the code for In Her Own Hands, starting with a complete rehaul of variables. A lot of the use of variables (especially early on) was extremely inefficient. While I had already improved my use of them during the last few updates, I have to take this all the way back to the beginning. Some of the oldest code is a bit convoluted. I am almost finished with the reorganization/renaming of everything. The next step will be to go through each one and untie some metaphorical knots.

This step will be combined with the other massive endeavor to clean up the code: complete reorganization of the way scenes and locations fit together. Basically, at the very beginning, I didn't build it in a way that anticipated the expansion over the years. Blame it on my inexperience at the time. I developed better techniques later on but these are just kind of laid on top of a messy, inefficient foundation. Parts are held together with spit and duct tape.

On the other hand, when I started building In Their Own Hands, I spent a lot of time thinking through and designing the foundation based on my experience with IHOH. It's built to last, no matter how much expansion there may be. The task will be to reproduce this system in IHOH.

The benefits are multitude. First, because of the way certain things were coded in IHOH, there are some scenes that just don't trigger quite the way they should. I could occasionally get them to show up in testing but then never again. In other words, there is already content in the game that you may not have ever seen! Fixing the code in this way would prevent all of this, but also make the incorporation of new content seamless. This means faster, more efficient, and less buggy updates in the future!

In Their Own Hands

I'll be switching back over to the next update of In Her Own Hands tomorrow. Here's what I will be working on primarily:

  • Two alternative "FuckR" dates (stats & choices will decide which you see), one with a woman.
  • A 2x2 "swinger" ("wife swap") scene to begin this path.
  • Continued work on the Brian content (filling in a few plotholes, creating alternative options).

I have a little over 2 weeks before the first release to Patrons, so this should be plenty of time to continue these top-priority goals. Beyond that, I will be writing the first edition of the walkthrough, and then adding in a lot of "QOL"-type scenes. The highest priority here will be things for the MC/husband to do, especially on the weekend. This will likely include opening up some of the other locations (like the park, etc.) and possibly adding at least one more date scene with the wife.

I think that's all for now. I'll give you another progress update next weekend!



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